The Healing Properties of 35 Fruits According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Different fruits are on the market all year round, and fruits are effective against several diseases. Check to see the benefits of these 35 fruits according to traditional Chinese medicine. 35 fruits that heal your body 1. Apples Lower blood lipids, treat diarrhea, moisturize the skin. 2. Pears Clear heat and toxins, reduce cough and ...

Emma Lu

Sliced dragon fruit.

Shen Yun Under Siege: Unmasking Beijing’s War on Traditional Chinese Arts

You may have already watched or heard of a Shen Yun performance, especially given it’s been touring the world for over a decade. But for those unfamiliar with Shen Yun Performing Arts — it’s a non-profit traditional Chinese dance and music performance backed by a symphony orchestra that blends Western and Chinese instruments. Multiple Shen ...

James Burke

Traditional Chinese dancers during a Shen Yun Performing Arts performance.

Destiny and Moral Character: Insights From Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Backdoor deals can often be effective in trivial matters, such as acquiring scarce goods in the market or facilitating a job transfer. However, when it comes to significant issues of destiny, such as fame and fortune in taking the imperial examination in ancient China, can these under-the-table tactics truly influence what seems predestined? The following ...

Mikel Davis

Wooden path winding through an autumn landscape.

Xianxia Fever: The Rise of Chinese Fantasy TV Shows

In recent years, there has been a remarkable surge in the popularity of xianxia, a captivating genre within Chinese TV fantasy dramas, novels, and animation. This rise has not only captivated audiences in China, but has also resonated with viewers around the globe.  Many drama watchers are discovering this genre, and if you’re one of ...

Viena Abdon

Xianxia dramas.

Honey for Cough Relief: A Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

As the colder months approach, bringing with them drier air, there’s a notable rise in respiratory conditions, like viral infections and pneumonia. A common symptom among these is coughing, a distressing and often persistent issue. Traditional Chinese medicine, rooted in centuries of practice and wisdom, suggests a surprisingly simple yet effective cough relief remedy: honey. ...

Mikel Davis

A coughing woman.

Powerful Winds of Destiny That Changed the Course of Chinese History

Victory in battle, it is said, can only materialize if the three favorable factors of time, place, and people meet simultaneously. In Chinese history, there have been several battles in which defeat was inevitable, but suddenly, from nowhere, powerful winds arose that changed the course of history. Particularly in decisive battles with a vast disparity ...

Michael Segarty

The Battle of Fei River.

The Importance of Honesty: Timeless Lessons From Chinese History

In Chinese history, honesty and trustworthiness are foundational tenets of life. They are noble qualities and sentiments that convey esteem for others and respect for oneself. People are naturally opposed to the kind of promises that are fake and shallow, and even more so opposed to ugly acts of deceit and treachery. Here are some ...

Michael Segarty

Illustration of plum blossoms and a fisherman in Chinese painting style.

The Clever Use of Chinese Characters in History

Traditional Chinese is made up of characters that are like building blocks. However, a simple inversion of these characters can drastically change their meanings and implications, which can be crucial in some special situations. Turning the tide in battle by changing the Chinese characters Zeng Guofan, a famous general in the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912), led ...

Mikel Davis

Chinese characters written by different calligraphers on pieces of bamboo.

Beware the Illusions of Fortune: Ancient Chinese Wisdom on Premature Celebrations

Life is indeed full of unexpected twists and delightful surprises. Yet, in the fabric of fortune, ancient Chinese wisdom cautions against early celebrations in times of apparent joy. Millennials are well-accustomed to seeking continual happiness and evading misfortune, aspiring for an uninterrupted streak of good fortune. However, vintage insights suggest a more restrained approach, especially ...

Max Lu

Church decorated with flowers for a wedding.