10 Advantages to Practicing Chinese Calligraphy

Chinese calligraphy is a unique part of traditional culture. But nowadays, we have developed network communication tools, and we seldom write Chinese, not to mention practice calligraphy. Chinese calligraphy, however, is one of the fundamental ways of self-cultivation. Advantages you can gain from practicing calligraphy 1. It nurtures your spirit In the Yellow Emperor, an ancient Chinese medical ...

Kathy McWilliams

Several calligraphy brushes sit on a table next to bowls of ink and paper.

When Calligraphy Meets Poetry: Magic Woven by Seb Lester

There is never not a good time to read a motivational quote. Imagine walking down the street, engrossed in some sorrow, and suddenly you come across a wall that has a beautiful poem written in calligraphy that uplifts your mood and it seems like a sign from the universe. And, given the way 2020 turned ...

Raven Montmorency

Seb Lester calligraphy, 'I Wish.'

Professor Wu Ningkun: Conscience of the Chinese Nation (Part 2)

At the beginning of 1951, Wu Ningkun, who was studying in the United States at the time, received a letter of appointment from Lu Zhiwei, the President of Yanjing University, asking him to be a professor of English. At that time, he naively thought: “Giving up a most affluent capitalist career and returning to serve ...

Michael Segarty

The cover of Professor Wu Ningkun's memoir 'A Single Tear.'

Chinese Calligrapher Creates Artwork Reflecting the Pandemic Era

Liu Xitong is a renowned calligrapher from China who recently took part in a documentary by NTD Television titled “When the Plague Arrives.” The documentary chronicles how epidemic outbreaks overthrew ancient civilizations in the East and West over time, and how these events parallel the present-day COVID-19 outbreak. In the documentary, Liu is the central ...

Nspirement Staff

Calligrapher Liu Xitong sits with paper and ink.

6 Types Of Ancient Chinese Art

Over the course of thousands of years, China has seen the development of numerous art forms. Some of these ancient Chinese art forms have been lost in time, becoming irrelevant in the modern era, while some continue to attract people’s attention. 6 types of ancient Chinese art that you should be acquainted with 1. Jade ...

Nspirement Staff

Jade statues.

The 4 Arts of the Chinese Scholar

Many ancient cultures had a set of values that initiated specific periods of an individual’s life — when you entered adolescence, when you married, when you had a child, and when you entered middle age. At every step, Chinese scholars had to prove themselves worthy of that stage. There were things you needed to do ...

Emma Lu

A chinese zither.

A Look Inside Studios of Ancient Chinese Scholars

In ancient China, scholars were held in high regard. They often maintained their own studios. The scholars stored several items that were considered necessary for their profession. The objects’ quality and aesthetics were thought to represent the taste and intellectual value of the scholar himself. Scholar’s items In ancient times, a scholar was supposed to ...

Emma Lu

A Chinese scholar's four treasures.

The Mythology and History Behind Chinese Music

China has one of the oldest music cultures in the world, with a history spanning thousands of years. When it comes to how Chinese music originated, the Chinese have an interesting mythological tale to explain this — one that involves a magical creature. Mythology During a time when immortals walked on the earth, a young ...

Emma Lu

A Chinese flute player.

220 Million Chinese Are Single

In the past, Chinese people appreciated the traditional family concept of having children and enjoying the happiness of a family reunion. Because of the increasing number of single people in today’s society, along with the rapid growth of an aging population and a dropping birth rate, Chinese society is gradually moving away from the traditional ...

Helen London

Young Chinese woman with a skateboard.

A Short History of Chinese Handscrolls

Chinese handscrolls are made up of long, horizontal pieces of paper attached to wooden rollers. The scrolls are usually rolled up when not in use. When viewing, the left hand unrolls the scroll, while the right hand rolls it up. In height, a handscroll typically measures about 10 to 16 inches. However, they can be ...

Jessica Kneipp

A Chinese handscroll.