2022: COVID-19, China, Russia, US, British Royal Family, Natural Disasters

Do you believe in predictions of the future? Today, we will be looking at predictions from four masters of prophecies for the year 2022. These prophecies appeared in different geographical areas, languages, and modes of expression. Even thousands of years apart, they are still all talking about the same thing. Let’s look at predictions for ...

Believe It Or Not

What the prophets say about 2022.

Prediction: COVID-19 Will Suddenly Disappear?

There have been countless predictions and prophecies about the COVID-19 pandemic since its outbreak, but there was someone whose predictions stood out from the rest. She was the famous self-claimed medium and psychic Sylvia Browne. Her predictions about the COVID-19 pandemic also coincided with a few others, including Japanese comic artist Ryo Tatsuki, who had ...

Believe It Or Not

Predictions: COVID-19 suddenly disappears.

COVID Pandemic Is Causing Addiction and Cognitive Stunting in Children

The COVID pandemic has brought unprecedented changes in human life. People are now being compelled to spend more time at home than ever before, regardless of their jobs and locations. While the COVID pandemic has led to several complications in life, children are faring worse than adults. Children do not have many options for playing ...

Jack Roberts

Boy using a mobile phone.

A Common-Sense Perspective on COVID-19

The COVID-19 coronavirus is on all of our minds, and for a good reason. We are living through a global pandemic, and there’s much we still don’t know, and with that uncertainty comes fear. Even though many of us are vaccinated, it remains a complex and fast-moving situation with the omicron variant. Given this, we ...

Jack Roberts

A visualizatin of the coronavirus at the molecular level.

How COVID-19 Destroys the Lungs

There is no denying how the year 2020 changed life for billions of people, regardless of factors such as economic level, ethnicity, or religion. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way people socialize, work, interact, and even buy things. While much has been said and written on the killer virus and its effects on the human ...

Armin Auctor

Doctor with a stethoscope and a hologram of inflamed lungs.

CCP Propaganda Campaign Now Blames COVID-19 on Maine Lobsters

There appears to be yet another theory propagated by the Chinese government regarding the supposed origin of COVID-19; this time, it’s Maine lobsters. The new theory of the coronavirus origin is being spread by Chinese state media and diplomats online. The discovery has been made by a disinformation researcher from the University of Oxford named ...

Max Lu

New Brunswick Shediac Lobster icon.

COVID-19: Vaccines, Boosters, and the Oral Pill

COVID-19 — to be or not to be vaccinated is the question? Finding the right and informed information to answer this question has created a great deal of angst and much confusion among the general public.  We have collated all the information from medical experts around the world about the different brands of vaccines presently ...

Armin Auctor

Doctor holding a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine up.

Why Parents Are Right to Question Vaccinating Their Children Against COVID-19

The Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020 (GVAP) was developed to realize the ambitions of the Decade of Vaccines — that all individuals and communities enjoy lives free from vaccine-preventable illnesses.  Following the COVID-19 pandemic, which continues to cause illness, death, and economic havoc worldwide, vaccines were developed, and a mass vaccination program started in December ...

Katrina Hicks

Six vials of COVID-19 vaccine from different manufacturers.

Families Send Huggable Rice Bags to Represent Their Newborns During Covid

New parents in Japan are sending huggable rice bags — that weigh as much as the newborn — to relatives who can’t visit their infants due to the pandemic. The pandemic has put restrictions on all kinds of events that we celebrate in our lifetime. One such important milestone for parents is to celebrate their ...

Armin Auctor

A rice baby ad.

Which COVID Vaccine: Comparison and Side Effects of COVID Vaccines (Video)

Australian citizens have been lining up to get their share of Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, and Moderna. The big question on everyone’s mind is which COVID vaccine is best for me? With upcoming lockdowns and no signs of a decrease in daily infection numbers, vaccination seems to be the only hope of lifting restrictions and returning life ...

Armin Auctor

COVID-19 vaccine.