A New Understanding Could Improve the Efficiency in Power Plants

The simple act of boiling water is one of humankind’s oldest inventions, and it’s still central to many of today’s technologies, from coffee makers to nuclear power plants. Yet this seemingly simple process has complexities that have long defied full understanding. Now, researchers at MIT have found a way to analyze one of the thorniest ...

Troy Oakes

A nuclear power plant.

Antibiotic Resistance Is Spreading From Wastewater Treatment Plants

The products of wastewater treatment have been found to contain trace amounts of antibiotic-resistant DNA. These products are often reintroduced to the environment and water supply, potentially resulting in the spread of antibiotic resistance. As such, researchers at the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering have been studying the development of these potentially ...

Troy Oakes


Amazing Air-Purifying Plants for Your Living and Working Areas

Though some people worry about air pollution and cover their faces with masks when going out of their homes, very few people are aware that the air they breathe inside is much more polluted. This is why air-purifying plants are a necessity in homes and workspaces. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air ...

Emma Lu

Sansevieria trifasciata with orange berries.

The Amazing Way Plants Communicate With One Another

Although people generally carry the assumption that plants do not communicate, plants communicate with each other in amazing ways. Many studies in the past suggested that this is not true, but in a new study published in PLOS ONE, a team of researchers reaffirms what scientists have always suspected — that plants communicate with each ...

Jack Roberts

Houseplants Could One Day Monitor Home Health

Neal Stewart and his University of Tennessee coauthors of a study published in Science, explore the future of houseplants as aesthetically pleasing and functional sirens of home health. The idea is to genetically engineer houseplants to serve as subtle alarms that something is amiss in our home and office environments. Stewart, a professor of plant sciences in the UT ...

Troy Oakes

Mother-Child Communication in Plants

An international team led by the Freiburg plant biologist Prof. Dr. Thomas Laux has shown that there is communication in plants, that mother plants guide the development of their embryos using the hormone auxin. In the future, this result might help breeders grow plants that are more resilient in the face of environmental challenges. The ...

Troy Oakes

Plants and Animals Have Feelings Too!

Your days start and end with sensory feelings and all of your decisions, voluntary and involuntary, are governed by your senses and feelings. However, how many take the time out to wonder if plants and animals have feelings too? We are surrounded by them, and yet we fail to recognize that both plants and animals ...

Emma Lu

The Story of Pain in Plants and Animals

Is it possible to demonstrate that there is pain in plants and animals? There is an old folk tale from the Solomon Islands that goes something like this: If there is an old tree that needs to be felled and is too big to use an ax, it can be brought down without actually cutting it ...

Emma Lu

A fallen dead tree.

Discover the Art of Crafting Natural Homemade Food Colorings

Food colorings have long been controversial due to their chemical compositions. But what if there was a way to create natural, homemade food colorings? People today are becoming more concerned about their health and the environment. As a result, more and more people want natural options in all areas of their lives, including food. Food ...

Viena Abdon

Naturally colored macaroons.