Mental Health Disorders in Adolescence: The Risks and Resilience

A deeper understanding of the wiring and rewiring of the adolescent brain is helping scientists pinpoint why young people are especially vulnerable to mental health disorders in adolescence — and why some are resilient. When Charly Cox was diagnosed in her teenage years with depression and other mental health disorders, what lay ahead for her ...

Troy Oakes

iPhone XS Max Has Problems and Apple Is Shrugging

Apple’s iPhone XS Max is the biggest and the most expensive smartphone launched by the company. Even with its impressive CPU performance, the XS Max has one severe flaw — serious battery issues. The battery for the iPhone XS Max The problem with the iPhone XS Max battery is twofold. First, it has a very ...

Nspirement Staff

‘Vampire Burial’ Reveals Efforts to Prevent Child’s Return From Grave

Archaeologists found the “vampire burial” remains of a 10-year-old child with a stone inserted into his or her mouth at a 5th-century Italian cemetery. The discovery of a 10-year-old’s body at an ancient Roman site in Italy suggests measures were taken to prevent the child, possibly infected with malaria, from rising from the dead and ...

Troy Oakes

The Crisis of Rising E-Cigarette Addiction Among Minors

Nicotine addiction is one of the most widespread forms of chemical dependency in the U.S. According to estimates, nearly 15 percent of American adults smoke cigarettes. To make matters worse, more minors are now suffering from e-cigarette addiction. How people get addicted When a person inhales nicotine, the smoke reaches their brains in just under ...

Armin Auctor

Why Ancient Qigong Is Powerful, Yet Peaceful

Originating from Buddhist and Taoist monks in China, qigong is a spiritual practice that aims to help its users achieve total wellbeing. Unlike plain physical exercises where the focus is simply on the movement of the body, qigong requires its practitioners to have a certain level of mental preparation. “In order to do qigong… we ...

Nspirement Staff

People practicing Falun Gong.

Why the U.S. Is Denying Passports to Children Delivered by Midwives

Over the past years, the U.S. has been accused of denying passports to children who were delivered by midwives rather than in a registered hospital. And under the current U.S. administration, this policy has only been strengthened. But unlike what some people like to believe, withholding passports of children delivered by midwives is an essential ...

Jack Roberts

A United States passport.

No More Smartphones for Children Under 15 in French Schools

France has banned the use of smartphones among school students under the age of 15. The ban, passed in July and effective from August 5, was hailed by the country’s education minister as “a law for the 21st century,” and also covers devices like tablets and smartwatches. No more smartphones France already had a law that ...

Nspirement Staff

A New Study Shows Genes Are the Key to Academic Success

Parents always worry about whether their children will do well at school, but their kids probably were born with much of what they will need to succeed. A new study published in npj Science of Learning by researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and King’s College London explains the substantial influence genes have on academic success, ...

Troy Oakes

An Indian Australian’s Impression of Taiwan

Reena Augustine is an Indian Australian citizen who moved to Australia from western India’s Gurjarat in 2009. She is the founder and director of Red Carpet Functions, an organization aspiring to celebrate the diversity of Brisbane’s communities and emphasizing the appreciation of its diverse cultures. Invited by Changhua Parent Union Advisory Council (彰化縣各級學校家長會聯合會, CPUAC) in ...

Billy Shyu

Why Parents Should Put Strict Limits on TV Viewing

It has long been said that parents should limit how much exposure their kids have to television programs. The importance of monitoring the type of shows the kids watch has also been stressed. And the reasons for such strict control on children’s TV viewing behavior is quite simple — to ensure that they are not ...

Nspirement Staff