These Cute Retirement Homes Are Melting People’s Hearts

In Japan’s eastern Shizuoka prefecture, there is a cluster of retirement homes that attracts the attention of any passerby who sees it. Called the Jikka, the tepee-shaped structures have been designed as retirement homes for two women in their 60s — Sachiko Fujioka and Nobuko Suma. The retirement homes were designed by Nobuko’s architect son ...

Raven Montmorency

The Jikka retirement homes.

Colorful Clothing of the Miao

When it comes to colorful clothing in China, no one wears them better than the Miao, or Hmong, ethnicity in the country. The Miao have a long history and culture beginning from the Qin Dynasty. And since then, they have honed their arts and crafts, which remain impressive to this day. As lovers of singing and ...

Emma Lu

A Miao woman wearing silver adornments.

How Meditation Can Help During the CCP Coronavirus Lockdown

With many people feeling mentally stressed out due to the CCP coronavirus quarantine, it is necessary that proper care is taken to maintain psychological health in a good state. According to a recent article published by the Harvard Medical School, meditation and yoga can help deal with the situation. The article, written by psychiatrist John ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman meditating on a rock.

Ancient Headwear of China: A Symbol of Elegance and Social Status

Some teenagers wear ripped jeans and brow-raising shirts to tell the world they are a rebel, and some decorate themselves in glam fashion, showing everyone that they’ve made it in the world. Fashion is truly a statement. Likewise, people in ancient China embodied the concept that fashion is tied to your individuality, particularly in terms ...

Emma Lu

Chinese dressed in hanfu clothing.

Beauty Standards in the Ancient World

Beauty standards are not permanent. What was considered beautiful thousands of years ago may not be viewed the same today. What is beautiful for one civilization may not be considered so in another. Understanding how diverse the idea of beauty is will help you in appreciating the fact that beauty truly is in the eyes of ...

Raven Montmorency

A Greek statue of a male figure.

The Fascinating Ways the Brain Controls Your Voice

A team of scientists from the Institute for Cell Biology and Neuroscience at Goethe University has found the process by which brains produce sound and control the voice. The study, led by neuroscientist Julio C Hechavarria, looked into the brain activity of Seba short-tailed bats just prior to their vocalizations. For more than five decades, ...

Armin Auctor

A woman singing into a mike.

3 Tips to Prepare for a COVID-19 Lockdown (#StayAtHome)

The viral outbreak of the CCP coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected the lives of people all around the globe. And since the U.S. seems to currently have the highest number of affected cases, it is important for everyone to respect the COVID-19 lockdown and stay indoors — to prevent a faster spread and to ultimately save ...

Armin Auctor

A woman using her credit card over the Internet.

CCP Coronavirus Lockdown: Italians Singing to Raise Their Moods

Italy is currently under lockdown in a bid to contain the spread of the CCP coronavirus. With people essentially restricted to their homes at a time when the deadly virus is running loose, many of them feel helpless and panicked. To counter such grim feelings, Italians are now singing from balconies and courtyards as a ...

Armin Auctor

The Piazza Venezia in Rome.

What Is the Montessori Method of Education?

The Montessori Method of Education was developed by Maria Montessori, an Italian educator and physician who lived between 1870 and 1952. It is a system of learning for children that focuses on educating them in a wholesome manner. The Montessori Method In 1906, Montessori was invited to create a childcare center in San Lorenzo, one ...

Raven Montmorency

A Montessori classroom.