Upholding Integrity: We Are Family

Throughout Chinese history, every successive dynasty would treat the people and the royal families of the previous dynasty with courtesy and respect. This was done as a way of demonstrating scrupulous regard for the great emperors of the past and upholding integrity. To show respect to the people of the Shang Dynasty, King Wu of ...

Emma Lu

A square bronze ding.

The Art of Speaking

There is an ancient Chinese saying: “Sickness enters through the mouth; misfortune comes out of it.” The Chinese saying articulated the art of speaking — only speak meaningful words. Zeng Guofan was a Chinese statesman, military general, and Confucian scholar of the late Qing dynasty. He once said: “You should not act as you desire, ...

Helen London

Speaking to a group of people.

Launch of ‘Long March’ Rocket a Boost for Chinese Space Program

China successfully launched its largest space rocket yet, in what is a major step in its plans to further explore the Moon and eventually conduct Mars missions.  The Long March 5 rocket lifted off from the Wenchang Satellite Launch Center on Dec. 27 and entered orbit a quarter-hour later. It deployed the communications satellite Shijian ...

Max Lu

China's Long March 5 rocket..

Traditional Stone Houses in Taiwan’s Matsu Islands

Besides its natural beauty and amazing military tunnels, another striking feature of Taiwan’s Matsu Islands is its villages with traditional stone houses. Among them are Qinbi Village (芹壁聚落) in Beigan (北竿), Jinsha Village (津沙聚落) in Nangan (南竿), and Fuzheng Village (福正聚落), as well as Dapu Village (大埔聚落), in Dongju (東莒). Traditional stone houses in these ...

Billy Shyu

Matsu's stone houses.

Chinese Moon Lander Uncovers Mysterious Substance

A few months back, it was reported that China’s Chang’e 4 lunar rover, named Yutu-2, had stumbled across a mysterious substance on the Moon. Identified as a “gel-like” substance, its presence on the lunar surface has baffled scientists. A mysterious substance When the rover came upon the mysterious substance, the researchers postponed all other driving ...

Armin Auctor

The Moon in space.

Art Extravaganza: The Incredible Art of Crafting Shen Yun Costumes

Shen Yun’s performances combine a live orchestra with extravagant dance movements that are an absolute delight to watch. The elegant, beautiful costumes worn by the dancers give each Shen Yun performance an otherworldly charm and are one of the reasons people tend to be amazed by them. A lot of work goes into the creation ...

Helen London

The Shen Yun orchestra.

The Analects Uphold Integrity: Profound Thoughts from Confucius

The Analects, a collection of the teachings and thoughts of Confucius, reveal how he achieved his enlightenment in cultivation at the very beginning. He said: “Isn’t it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned?” To me, learning and practicing can be fun once in a while, but not all the time, especially when it is ...

Emma Lu

A Chinese terracotta soldier.

This Stunning Chinese Wood Carving Is One of the Longest in the World

Artists can turn even the most mundane of objects into a piece of wonder through their skills. Wood carving is an excellent example of such art. One example of this is a carving by Chinese artist Zheng Chunhui that is based on the well-known ancient scroll painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival (1085 ...

Emma Lu

Giant Chinese wood carving.

Milk Substitutes Are Hot!

Milk consumption has been pushed by advertising and schools over the last decade, being promoted as a source of protein and calcium. However, some experts, such as Dr. Clement of California’s Hippocrates Health Institute, say that the nutrient bioavailability of commercial milk is non-existent, especially because it is pasteurized. Thus, milk substitutes might be a ...

Raven Montmorency

Bowl of soy milk and soy beans.

A Sight to Behold: Chinese Ginkgo Tree Lays Its ‘Golden Carpet’

Within the walls of the Guanyin Buddhist Temple in the Zhongnan Mountains, there is a large ginkgo tree believed to be 1,400 years old. Every autumn, the green leaves turn golden in color. And when the tree sheds its leaves, the ground turns into a “golden carpet” that makes for a stunning sight to behold. ...

Emma Lu

A large golden ginkgo tree.