Coco Lee, a diva singer in Chinese-speaking music circles, passed away recently due to depression, which made mental …
Few people know that hair acupoints are a thing and that by massaging the scalp and adding pressure …
Today’s traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) hack shows how to warm acupoints with a hairdryer. Thermotherapy, just like moxibustion, …
Editor's PickHealth
6 Groups of Acupoints That Provide Relief From Common Maladies
by Emma Luby Emma LuChinese acupuncture is not the only method used in traditional Chinese medicine to cure diseases. Acupressure without needles …
Hair loss is distressing. After washing and combing your hair, it’s so upsetting to see a large amount …
Traditional Chinese Medicine: How a Hairdryer Can Keep the Whole Body Fit
by Helen Londonby Helen LondonTraditional Chinese medicine warms the acupoints with moxibustion to facilitate meridian blood flow to keep one healthy. However, …
Sleeping troubles affect many people. Some people fall asleep quickly, but wake up once or several times during …