Few people know that hair acupoints are a thing and that by massaging the scalp and adding pressure to these acupuncture points, one can improve the health condition of one’s scalp and, with that, the state of one’s hair.
When the weather is dry and cold, your hair often suffers and can become weak and prone to breakage or loss. While the saying “beauty is only skin deep” may hold some truth, your hair is often seen as a reflection of your health and beauty. That’s why many people desire thick, shiny hair.
Instead of spending a fortune on expensive treatments, a natural and cost-effective solution is scalp massage. Specifically, targeting specific acupuncture points on the scalp, known as the “hair points,” can stimulate growth and improve overall hair health.
In this article, we will explore the key to hair growth through the massage of these acupoints and provide a professional scalp massage method for you to try at home.
The key to healthy hair is messaging acupoints
Western and Chinese medicine and online hair care and beauty experts have recognized massaging the scalp as beneficial for hair health. However, the effectiveness of scalp massage depends on the massage technique and the specific acupoints targeted. Without a proper method and perseverance, the results may be limited. By learning how to massage the scalp effectively, you can achieve more robust and thicker hair while improving blood circulation and delivering essential nutrients to the scalp.
5 acupoints to nourish hair
There are numerous acupuncture points on our head and body, but the following 5 points are known for their ability to promote hair growth and overall health. Regularly massaging these points can achieve beautiful and healthy hair without side effects.
1. Baihui (GV 20): ‘meeting of a hundred meetings’
Located at the top of the head, Baihui is considered the “meeting place” of all yang meridians in the body. Massaging this acupoint can stimulate hair growth, improve circulation, and refresh the mind. To massage this point, use the belly of your index and middle fingers to press downward with some force, then draw circles without moving your fingertips. Repeat this motion 100 times. Be sure to clean your nails beforehand to avoid scratching the scalp.
2. Jiaosun (TE 20): ‘angle vertex’
This point is located directly above the apex of the ear, within the hairline. Massaging Jiaosun on both sides of the head with the belly of your thumbs can promote growth and improve circulation. Draw circles on each side without moving your fingertips 100 times.
3. Yifeng (TE 17): ‘meeting of yin meridians’
Located behind the earlobe, in the depression between the mastoid process and the angle of the mandible, Yifeng is known for its ability to promote blood flow to the head, refresh the mind, and prevent headaches and dizziness. To massage this point, use the belly of your thumbs to press down and hold for 5 seconds, then release for 1 second. Repeat this for 1 minute, being careful not to press too hard.
4. Fengchi (GB 20): ‘wind pool’
This point is located at the base of the skull, just lateral to the tendons of the trapezius muscle on each side. Massaging Fengchi can quickly improve blood flow to the head and neck. Use the thumbs of both hands to press upward with some force, feeling for a slight soreness or pressure. If needed, tilt your head back to increase the pressure.
5. Shaohai (HT 3): ‘lesser sea’
Located on the inside of the elbow, Shaohai is known for its ability to improve cardiopulmonary function and promote blood flow to the head and scalp. To massage this point, straighten your arm and use the thumb of your other hand to press down while squeezing the elbow joint with your other fingers.
Incorporate scalp massaging into your daily hair care routine
Regularly massaging these five acupoints can improve blood circulation to the scalp, deliver essential nutrients for growth, and promote overall health. This natural and cost-effective method has no side effects and can easily be incorporated into your daily hair care routine. So why not give it a try and see the results for yourself?
In conclusion, you can achieve beautiful and healthy hair by targeting specific acupuncture points on the scalp and using a professional massage technique. Say goodbye to expensive treatments and hello to natural remedies that have been proven effective for centuries. Start incorporating scalp massage into your routine and enjoy the benefits of strong and shiny hair.
Translation by Audrey Wang
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