administrative efficiency, anti-corruption reforms, chinese emperors, chinese history, chinese imperial history, emperor yongzheng, ethical governance, governance, historical leadership, integrity in leadership, political reforms, qing dynasty, qing era governance, yongzheng era

Diligence and Discipline: The Hallmarks of Emperor Yongzheng’s Rule

Most Qing emperors were renowned for their diligent governance, with Yongzheng standing out as a particularly exceptional ruler. Sakuji Saeki, a Japanese historian, lauded him, saying: “Without Yongzheng, the Qing Dynasty would have likely faced an early decline.” He was an emperor of remarkable political acumen and capability. Emperor Yongzheng’s strict governance and high moral ...

Mikel Davis

Summer Palace in Beijing, China.

Empress Jiang: A Paragon of Virtue and Wisdom in Ancient China

In the annals of Chinese history, the mention of wise and influential empresses invariably brings us to Empress Jiang, the queen who successfully guided King Xuan of Zhou, the 11th monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 B.C.). Her story is not just about advising a king; it’s a narrative of moral strength, strategic counsel, ...

Mikel Davis

Oil painting of pink peonies.

The Superstitious Side of China’s Leaders: Mao Zedong and the Jilin Meteor Shower

In the annals of history, the line between superstition and prophecy can sometimes appear blurred, especially when viewed through the lens of significant historical events. This was particularly evident in the case of Mao Zedong, a leader known for his adherence to Marxist atheism, yet one who couldn’t escape the ancient Chinese belief in the ...

Max Lu

A meteor shower.

The Superstitious Side of Mao Zedong: A Glimpse Into the Mystical Practices of China’s Former Leader

Mao Zedong, the founder of the People’s Republic of China, is often remembered for his communist ideologies and revolutionary practices. However, a lesser-known aspect of Mao’s life might surprise many, particularly those familiar with the history of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Let’s delve into Mao’s intriguing relationship with superstition and the mystical events surrounding ...

Max Lu

Mao Zedong.

Emperor Tang Taizong: A Legacy of Seeking Talent in Ancient China

Emperor Tang Taizong, renowned for establishing one of the most formidable empires in history, owes much of his success to his exceptional talent in identifying and utilizing gifted individuals. A prominent example of his ability to discern talent was in the rise of Ma Zhou, who evolved from a humble background to become the Prime ...

Mikel Davis

Illustration of the face of Emperor Tang Taizong.

The Importance of Honesty: Timeless Lessons From Chinese History

In Chinese history, honesty and trustworthiness are foundational tenets of life. They are noble qualities and sentiments that convey esteem for others and respect for oneself. People are naturally opposed to the kind of promises that are fake and shallow, and even more so opposed to ugly acts of deceit and treachery. Here are some ...

Michael Segarty

Illustration of plum blossoms and a fisherman in Chinese painting style.

The Clever Use of Chinese Characters in History

Traditional Chinese is made up of characters that are like building blocks. However, a simple inversion of these characters can drastically change their meanings and implications, which can be crucial in some special situations. Turning the tide in battle by changing the Chinese characters Zeng Guofan, a famous general in the Qing Dynasty (1636-1912), led ...

Mikel Davis

Chinese characters written by different calligraphers on pieces of bamboo.

Lessons from Ancient Chinese Statesmen: Tolerance Brings Blessings

The ancient Chinese placed great emphasis on self-cultivation and moral development, believing that tolerance was a form of wisdom. A generous spirit and a kind-hearted approach to others not only accumulated good deeds, but also attracted good fortune and improved the character of others. Leading with composure and tolerance During the era of the Three ...

Tatiana Denning

Illustration of Jiang Wan, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Shu during China's Warring States Period.

Integrity Above All: 3 Stories of Ancient China’s Upright Officials

In the annals of Chinese history, the legacy of integrity and righteousness has been long cherished and revered. Tales of principled officials who stood firm in the face of temptation and upheld the virtues of ethical governance have been passed down through generations, serving as moral compasses for both the rulers and the ruled. These ...

Emma Lu

Liu Tongxun.