emotions, finding purpose, human connection, inner nature, life’s purpose, meaning, meditation, nature, perception, positive psychology, process, real self, reality, self, self awareness, self story, self-cultivation, self-improvement, sensory feelings, silence

Your Greatest True Self Is Not Your Made-Up Self

Who am I? Why am I here? How do I function? Why do I have specific reactions to events and people? Do you recognize these questions as a part of your true self-talk? True self-awareness has become one of the most popular topics as, at different levels, we all want to know and understand more ...

Laura Cozzolino

A man holding up a mask to his face.

How to Avoid the ‘Kick the Cat’ Effect

Nearly everyone has experienced the “kick the cat” effect, but what is it exactly? Here’s one example. After his boss heavily criticized him, a man went home and saw his child jumping on the couch, so he yelled at him. Feeling very upset, the child went out and kicked the cat that was rolling around ...

Emma Lu

A black and white cat sitting on a fence.

The Connection Between Your Emotions and Your Organs

The mind-body approach of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) posits that emotions and the health of internal organs are interconnected. This means that the emotional state of your mind can end up damaging the organs linked to those emotions over a period of time. In addition, the health of the organs can also affect the way ...

Tatiana Denning

A young woman with a joyful smile.

4 Ways to Always Be in Control of Your Emotions

There will be moments in your life when you feel so charged that you cannot control your emotions and how you act, only to regret these actions later on. In fact, your entire life might be ruined just because of a single outburst that could have easily been avoided. If you have such a temperamental ...

Raven Montmorency

A happy couple.

How to Never Get Angry Again

Why do we get angry in the first place? Unfulfilled desires may be the cause of many anger outbursts. But desires are limitless, right? A more proper answer is simply fear. Fear of being inadequate, unloved, unrespected. A fear that when we open up and become vulnerable, others may not realize our value and hurt ...

Armin Auctor

An angry woman.