anger, exercise, high blood pressure, hypertension, mood

Effective Tips For Lowering High Blood Pressure (Part 1)

Lowering high blood pressure is critical. Hypertension is known as a silent killer. According to the 2017 Hypertension Treatment Guidelines by the American Heart Association, when blood pressure is measured in a calm state where there are more than three high blood pressure readings in two consecutive weeks it is judged to be high blood ...

Helen London

Man with white hair and white clothes takes the blood pressure of a woman with brown hair and white clothes as they sit together at a table containing a laptop, patient chart, and X-ray.

How to Get Started With CrossFit: A One-Stop Guide

The drive for people to stay fit and healthy has grown over the years. Nowadays, you can find people from all different age groups heading to gyms in order to attain a healthy and toned physique. One method for reaching that goal that has grown hugely popular is called CrossFit. To the inexperienced, CrossFit may ...

Armin Auctor

Fit woman carrying medicine ball at crossfit gym.

Lose These 4 Bad Habits to Stay Healthy and Gain These 3 Good Habits

Lose these bad habits to obtain high-quality sleep, which is a deep sleep that will produce antibodies and prevent the occurrence of diseases. It can also help the repairability of various organs in the body, which is an important foundation for staying healthy and for longevity.  4 bad habits that should be avoided before going to ...

Helen London

A woman welcoming a sunrise.

Fitness Activity Trackers: Are They Worth the Money?

Ever since Fitbit was introduced in 2009, the popularity of wearable fitness activity trackers has shot up. Look around and you will see a lot of people from many age groups using these sleek devices. Most fitness gadget users love using the devices as well. Ask someone how he or she has benefited from one ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman looking at her fitness activity tracker.

What Is Rucking?

Rucking refers to walking with a weighted backpack. With origins in the military, where training requires walking with a backpack filled with supplies and equipment, rucking is considered a wonderful alternative to running. Now, this is especially good for those of us who hate running and other cardio workouts. Anyone who can walk can ruck. ...

Armin Auctor

A young man rucking.

The Wellbeing of Kids: What You Can Do

For human beings, how they view themselves in their adult life largely depends on how they grow up. If as kids, they were treated with care, encouraged to be confident, and trained to be disciplined, they are likely to grow up into successful individuals. In contrast, if a child is neglected and constantly told that ...

Raven Montmorency

Children putting their hands on top of each other.

Exercise Will Make You Happier Than Money

If you think wealth will make you more joyful than anything else, you might be shocked to find out that exercise probably has a better chance of making you happy than loads of cash. This is the conclusion arrived at by a 2018 study that analyzed data from over 1.2 million American citizens aged 18 ...

Raven Montmorency

6 Reasons Why Walking in the Rain Is Beneficial

Rain brings out various emotions in human beings. While some people absolutely love the environment created by rain and joyfully look forward to it, others completely dislike it and choose to shut themselves inside their homes. Walking in the rain is actually a very beneficial activity both for the mind and body. 6 reasons for ...

Raven Montmorency

A couple with an umbrella walking in the rain.

Upper Body Movement While Walking Is the Key to Lower Blood Pressure

Most lifestyle-related diseases can be improved through exercise, especially walking. Conventional thinking says that walking 8,000-10,000 steps a day is good for health. One study pointed out that after three months of walking 30 minutes a day, blood pressure dropped by 15 mm Hg. While it is clear that blood pressure does drop when walking ...

Helen London

Walking as an exercise.

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Exercise?

What is enough exercise and can you do too much exercise? Both the national and international recommendations for physical activity and exercise echo each other, and that’s 150 minutes of moderate physical activity spread across most days of the week, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity. In addition to that, you should have two strengthening ...

Troy Oakes

A man weightlifting.