academic expectations, balanced lifestyle, coping mechanisms, fostering, learning environment, mental health, open communication, parental pressure, parenting, resilience

6 Inspiring Ways to Forgive Your Parents

As a child, your parents are the center of your universe. They shape your reality and sense of self in profound ways, both good and bad.  But as you grow, you see your parents’ humanity and imperfections. You realize they made mistakes in how they raised you. In that sense, you carry the emotional scars ...

Viena Abdon

A teenager upset with her mother.

The Most Potent Medicine: The Power of Gratitude

In a world that’s constantly seeking the next big breakthrough in medicine, it’s easy to overlook the simplest, yet most profound healing agent we all possess: gratitude. This article delves into the ancient wisdom that identified this as a crucial element for human well-being and explores how this timeless virtue is still relevant in our ...

Max Lu

Smiling Millennial holding a small red toy heart in her hands, expressing gratitude.

Teens Bringing Cheer with Silly Socks to Nursing Homes

A remarkable trend highlighting today’s teens’ empathy and inventiveness is taking shape in a world where generational divides frequently appear to be the primary source of division. One such heartwarming project is teens wearing goofy socks, which may seem like a little, but meaningful, gesture. Still, it makes older people in nursing facilities smile.  This ...

Viena Abdon

Silly socks.

The Hidden Costs of Anger: Insights from Tibetan Healing Techniques

We’ve all experienced moments of anger, but have you ever stopped to consider what it truly costs you? In the hustle and bustle of modern life, especially for Millennials navigating the complexities of work, relationships, and personal growth, understanding the impact of anger is crucial. In his book The Tibetan Art of Healing: An Inner ...

Max Lu

An angry person.

Motivating Your Teenager to Exercise: 13 Strategies for Encouraging Healthy Habits

Getting teenagers to exercise in today’s technologically advanced world might be difficult. Adolescents are naturally distracted by social media, video games, and school expectations, so getting them to exercise may often feel like an uphill fight.  On the other hand, establishing lifelong healthy habits in teenagers can pave the way for overall health. Encouraging them ...

Viena Abdon

Young women playing soccer.

The Whys and Hows of Teenage Dating and Romance

At any age, one can feel the whole range of human emotions when they start dating and fall in love. The ups and downs can be dramatic throughout adolescence because everything is more extreme and happening for the first time. Love in adolescence can be a wild ride, with all the hormonal shifts and other ...

Viena Abdon

A young couple dating.

Unseen Acts of Kindness: The Tale of an Elderly Woman

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often overlook the simple acts of kindness that make a significant difference. This heartwarming story occurred in the unlikeliest of places — a post office in Taichung Park in Taichung City, Taiwan. This tale of an elderly woman and the compassionate individuals she encountered serves ...

Max Lu

The impact of kindness.

Smartphone Addiction: How Phubbing May Be Undermining Your Parenting

Parenting is a complex journey of nurturing, protecting, and guiding children toward independence. While no universal manual exists, parenting choices significantly influence a child’s development. In the modern, technology-driven world, the pervasive use of smartphones presents a new set of challenges, possibly hindering children’s growth and affecting family dynamics. The integration of smartphones into daily ...

Nathan Machoka

Dad sitting on the couch using his smartphone and ignoring his bored, young daughter.

Ending Isolation: The Path to Mental, Emotional, and Physical Well-Being

Isolation, whether voluntary or circumstantial, significantly impacts your mental and physical health. Understanding the reasons behind isolation is essential since it varies from person to person. Some of the motivations behind isolation include mental health challenges, stress, physical health, trauma, and introversion. Breaking the cycle is vital to foster a healthier and well-balanced life. The ...

Nathan Machoka

A woman sitting on a swing watching a sunset.