nightmares, sleep disorders, sleep quality

All You Need to Know About Nightmares

There is hardly any person who does not dream while sleeping. Dreams can be of many types and psychologists have tried to interpret their roots and nuances for years. Yet, everything about dreams is not known or understood fully. Some dreams are pleasant while others can be quite scary. Most people experience bad dreams, but ...

Armin Auctor

Sleepless man lying in bed.

Best and Most Effective Ways to Enjoy a Sound Sleep

Sound sleep, beyond doubt, is the most relaxed state one can get into! It is also a necessity for the body. When you sleep, the worn-out body cells and tissues get into repair mode. So, it is kind of a healing process for the tired body. Lack of sleep can lead to several physiological problems, ...

Raven Montmorency

Brunette female sleeping on her right side under a sheet and blanket.

Follow 3 Time Phases for Better Sleep Quality and Health

Following the clock to rest is the best way to help protect your heart and to allow your body to detoxify. This will not only improve your sleep quality, but also your health. Phase one sleep: 7 p.m.-9 p.m. According to traditional Chinese medical science, the 7 p.m.-9 p.m. period corresponds to the heart. Proper ...

Helen London

A woman sleeping at a table.

How Diet Can Help Improve Sleep Quality

There’s been a renewed focus on the importance of sleep quality as society at large has realized the power of this biological process. The food that fuels your body can either help or hinder your ability to sleep. A focus on balanced meals eaten at the right times could be what you need to boost ...

Hermann Rohr

A woman soundly sleeping.

4 Tips: The Perfect Pillow for the Perfect Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for keeping your mind and body in good condition. One major component of a comfortable night’s sleep is your pillow. If you are wondering how to choose the perfect pillow for your bed, the following tips can help you make an informed decision. Sleeping position Depending on your ...

Raven Montmorency

Two pillows.

A Lack of Sleep Shrinks Men’s Testicles

The opener to Matthew Walker’s TED Talk is not exactly what you’d expect to hear in a lecture about sleep. “Men who sleep five hours a night have significantly smaller testicles than those who sleep seven hours or more,” Walker, a UC Berkeley professor of psychology and neuroscience, told the audience at the popular media ...

Troy Oakes

Matt Walker.

Balance: The Biggest Benefit of Tai Chi for Seniors

One of the biggest troubles of growing old is the loss of balance. As a senior citizen, being unsteady while walking and living in fear of falling can be debilitating. Fortunately, Tai Chi practices can help seniors deal with body balance issues. Tai Chi and balance According to estimates, regular practice of Tai Chi by ...

Nspirement Staff