The two most vulnerable organs in the human body are the small and large intestines. Healthy intestines will bring you better health and a longer life. The intestines are the largest organs in the human body, and they absorb nutrients and eradicate toxins from the body.
4 ways to have healthy intestines
1. Chew food slowly
Chewing your food slowly is very important for good digestion. This not only helps the body absorb nutrients, but also guarantees that food does not stay in the same place in the body and generate gas after it breaks down, which might induce constipation, diarrhea, and food intolerance.
2. Let the intestines rest
Keep some time between two meals so the intestines can rest. Do not eat too much before sleep to avoid adding a burden to your intestines and interrupting your rest.
3. Persist in exercise
Exercise can improve the movement of the intestines and hasten the removal of stool, while delaying aging of the intestines. Even low-impact exercise can help. Middle-aged and elderly people can do exercises such as walking, qigong, etc., for one hour each day.
4. Drink a cup of water every morning
A cup of warm water every morning is the easiest and most effective way to clean the intestines.
Four foods most beneficial for healthy intestines
The following foods can be added to the daily diet to benefit the intestines.
1. Peanuts
In traditional Chinese medicine, peanuts follow the spleen meridian and nurture the stomach and spleen, which benefits the intestines.
2. Seaweed
Seaweed is rich in fiber, which acts like a broom in the intestines to remove waste and toxins quickly, thereby helping prevent colorectal cancer and constipation.
3. Black fungus
Black fungus is rich in gelatin and helps collect waste in the digestive system and remove it from the body. It is especially effective in cleaning the stomach and the intestines.
4. Yogurt
The probiotics in yogurt can harmonize and balance the bacteria in your intestines, remove toxic and harmful materials from your body, and assist the intestines in fighting harmful germs.
Signs of unhealthy intestines
If you have these symptoms, consider changing your habits and diet to improve them.
1. Constipation
The intestines are responsible for eradicating toxins. Unhealthy intestines are too weak to remove the accumulated stool from the body by a wave-like movement, and therefore, constipation easily develops.
2. Diarrhea
Healthy intestines move in a wave-like fashion. Weak movements cause constipation, while strong movements cause diarrhea. Foods that are not clean frequently cause diarrhea.
3. Bad Breath
When the intestines become blocked, foods cannot move along the digestive tract and remain in the intestines until they ferment, producing an unpleasant smell in the mouth. An uncontrolled diet of food and drink tends to cause trouble for the intestines and cause intestinal diseases.
The writer of this story is not a medical professional, and the information that is in this story has been collected from reliable sources — every precaution has been taken to ensure its accuracy. The information provided is for general information purposes only, and should not be substituted for professional health care.
Translated by Audrey Wang
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