At some point in life, you have likely made a promise to yourself or made to others or come across a person or people who promised you something. Keeping promises makes you trustworthy and honorable, while not honoring them slowly erodes your self-belief and respect from other people.
Understanding why living up to your promises matters and how it can affect your relationships, self-esteem, and more is essential.
Why you must live up to your promises
1. It leads to a loss of trust
People will find it hard to trust you when you keep breaking your promises. This can lead to the end of a friendship or relationship, as any relationship requires trust to work. In addition, when you fail to live up to a commitment, you start to doubt yourself and lose self-confidence. These feelings can eventually lead to low self-esteem.
2. It causes a loss of respect
Living up to your promises creates a good rapport between you and the other party, making them respect you as a person of your word. However, not living up to your comment can ruin your relationship, and you may lose your hard-earned respect and honor.
3. It teaches others to lie
When you fail to honor a promise, especially to your children, they slowly learn it is okay to tell lies. This applies to family, friends, and partners. You have lied when you make a promise you don’t fulfill in the long run.
4. It makes others feel less important
When you make a promise to someone, you are reassuring them they are important and deserve every bit of your pledge. Failure to honor it sends the exact opposite message. Feeling less critical can lead to low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety.
5. It puts you in a trap
Making commitments you cannot honor puts you in a position where you must explain yourself. This will lead to mistrust or anxiety as you try to devise an excuse.
6. It leads to loneliness
When you break promises to people over and over, they tend to avoid you. As a result, you will find yourself with no friends because nobody wants to associate themselves with a liar.
Honor your promises
It is important to make reasonable promises that you are sure you can fulfill in the long run. So start teaching yourself and your children the importance of keeping your word by living up to your commitments. This will guide you by example, and your children will follow suit.
In conclusion
Breaking your promises leads to loneliness, anxiety, depression, and other mental issues. Always make promises that you know you can keep. People are constantly monitoring your words and actions, and it is better to live a life of integrity and respect earned from living up to your promises.
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