Emma Lu

2020: The Year of the Rat

The Astrology of the East is an intricate, complex science that requires a good deal of time and patience to fully appreciate its many intriguing subtleties. The system works on a multiplicity of levels, each fascinating in its own right. As a whole, it offers a wealth of information and invaluable insights into every aspect ...

Emma Lu

The sculpted head of a rat.

The Snake Pit: No Escape (‘The Shanghai Friendship Store’ — Chapter 3)

The following excerpt from The Snake Pit (Chapter 3), from the novel The Shanghai Friendship Store by Susan Ruel. It is the continuation of the previous articles, A Floating Life (Chapter 2) and A Chinese Eleanor Rigby (Chapter 1).  It chronicles the experiences of a small foreign community living in Shanghai in the 1980s (the heyday of Friendship Stores). These state-owned stores ...

Emma Lu

Wuzhen old city, Shanghai.

Chinese Idiom: ‘Where Water Flows, a Channel Will Form’

A popular Chinese idiom — ‘Where water flows, a channel will form’ — basically conveys the idea that success will come naturally when the conditions necessary for such success are fulfilled. There is an interesting story behind how this saying originated. The story behind the Chinese idiom Back during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), there lived a man ...

Emma Lu

Water flowing over rocks.

Upholding Integrity: We Are Family

Throughout Chinese history, every successive dynasty would treat the people and the royal families of the previous dynasty with courtesy and respect. This was done as a way of demonstrating scrupulous regard for the great emperors of the past and upholding integrity. To show respect to the people of the Shang Dynasty, King Wu of ...

Emma Lu

A square bronze ding.

Things You Need to Know About the 2020 Chinese New Year

The 2020 Chinese New Year starts on January 25 and will last until Lunar New Year’s Eve on February 11, 2021. People are expected to start preparing for the New Year celebrations around January 17, with the 8-day period until January 24 called the “Little Year.” Zodiac Every year has an animal assigned to it as a ...

Emma Lu

A Chinese New Year dragon.

Chinese Tradition: The Art of Papermaking

Paper is one of the most used items in society. Papermaking has its origins in China, where paper has been in use for almost 2,000 years. In the 8th century, the art of papermaking spread from China to the Middle East and later into Europe. Papermaking The earliest examples of papermaking can be seen during ...

Emma Lu

Papermaking comes from China.

Ancient Chinese Foods That Are Still in Vogue

Ancient Chinese foods are some of the most complex in the world. Some of the Chinese foods that are popular in the country today were introduced several centuries back. The Chinese not only focused on the taste aspect when preparing food, but also on its impact on health and its importance in faith as well. ...

Emma Lu

White rice.

The Analects Uphold Integrity: Profound Thoughts from Confucius

The Analects, a collection of the teachings and thoughts of Confucius, reveal how he achieved his enlightenment in cultivation at the very beginning. He said: “Isn’t it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned?” To me, learning and practicing can be fun once in a while, but not all the time, especially when it is ...

Emma Lu

A Chinese terracotta soldier.

This Stunning Chinese Wood Carving Is One of the Longest in the World

Artists can turn even the most mundane of objects into a piece of wonder through their skills. Wood carving is an excellent example of such art. One example of this is a carving by Chinese artist Zheng Chunhui that is based on the well-known ancient scroll painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival (1085 ...

Emma Lu

Giant Chinese wood carving.

Inspiration from Iconic Disney Animator Aaron Blaise

Aaron Blaise is an internationally renowned artist and animator, having spent over 30 years in the industry working for Disney on Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Mulan, and many other films that have stood as beloved treasures of our time. Aaron Blaise currently teaches animation and art in classes and workshops around ...

Emma Lu

Aaron Blaise.