Viena Abdon

The Perils of Idol Worship: When Admiration Goes Too Far

As you scroll through social media, you probably see people gushing over celebrities, public figures, or influencers they admire. While it’s human nature to look up to role models, idolizing them can be dangerous. Idol worship can morph into obsession, making you lose perspective and negatively impacting your life.  Why do we idolize people? People ...

Viena Abdon

Kim Kardashian.

Crafting the Perfect CV: 9 Tips for Success

You’ve graduated from college and an exciting career journey awaits. The first step? Creating a stellar curriculum vitae or CV to capture the attention of recruiters and employers.  Given the pivotal role a CV plays in your career progression, it can be hard to know where to start. Follow these tips to craft a CV ...

Viena Abdon

Attractive smiling young businesswoman holding her CV in a blue folder.

Unmasking ‘The Phantom of the Opera’: Its History and Inspirations

The Phantom of the Opera has bewitched literature as much as theater for over 100 years. Few narratives have penetrated popular consciousness, and this tale is an epic of romance, obsession, and tragedy. The book is made up, but much of it was inspired by some real history and ideas, meaning it has endured the ...

Viena Abdon

The Phantom.

Galactic Odyssey: Exploring the Timeless Wonders of the Milky Way

In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, there exists a celestial wonder that has captured the imagination of humanity for eons — the Milky Way. Spanning vast stretches of the night sky, this cosmic masterpiece is more than just a distant spiral of stars. The Milky Way is humanity’s heavenly home, a beacon of mystery ...

Viena Abdon

A woman looking up at the Milky Way.

Mastering the Art of Exam Preparation: 8 Tips for Success

Want to walk into the exam room feeling prepared and confident? Perfecting preparation is an art form that requires both practice and effective techniques. Here are proven tips to help you prepare for your next exam and achieve the success you’ve been working toward all semester. 8 exam tips 1. Start your preparation early To ...

Viena Abdon

Blonde female student looks overwhelmed while sitting at a desk piled with books and a laptop in front of a chalkboard full of equations.

Switzerland’s Safety Unveiled: A Journey Through Security and Serenity

Switzerland, often called the heart of Europe, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, pristine lakes, and the majestic Swiss Alps. Yet, one feature of this nation distinctly shines – its unparalleled safety.  In this article, discover the blend of modern and historic attributes that have fortified the country’s reputation as a bastion of safety for ...

Viena Abdon

Beautiful panoramic view of rooftops in the old town of Zug, Switzerland, with the town hall tower, Lake Zug, and the Pilatus mountain in the background.

Unlocking Wisdom: Lessons From the Japanese Moai Tradition

In Japan, tight-knit social groups, moais, have helped people gain insight and support. As an ancient tradition, the moai offers timeless lessons for finding purpose and connection. You may be familiar with some aspects of Japanese culture, but the moai remains a mystery to most outsiders. This article explores three great lessons from this timeless ...

Viena Abdon

A Japanese moai

Equine Empathy: The Remarkable Connection of Horses to Human Emotions

You’ve likely heard that dogs are man’s best friend, but horses may be the most emotionally intelligent animals on the planet. Their ability to read, understand, and empathize with human emotions is unparalleled in the animal kingdom.  As prey animals, horses have evolved a keen awareness of subtle cues and moods in their environment. This ...

Viena Abdon

A woman embracing a horse's head.

Rising from the Ashes: The Restoration of Notre-Dame

As an enduring symbol of Paris, the cathedral of Notre-Dame, or Notre-Dame de Paris (Our Lady of Paris), has captured people’s imaginations for centuries. However, when flames engulfed its attic and spire in 2019, the world watched in stunned silence. Yet even as smoke billowed into the evening sky, plans were underway to resurrect this ...

Viena Abdon

Notre-Dame burning.