Investing, Editor's Pick

BlackRock Tied to China’s Leadership, Consumer Group Warns

Of late, China has been facing flak from many countries for its clandestine activities designed to influence businesses and politicians around the world. The UK and the U.S. have been very vocal and critical regarding this, although China has refuted such allegations. In a recent development that relates to such allegations leveled against the CCP-ruled ...

Max Lu

BlackRock logo on the website homepage looking through a magnifying glass.

Why Americans Need to Stand as One Against Their Greatest Threats

People are often divided by political issues, and Americans are no exception. However, the United States of America is under significant threat, and in this situation, it is best if all Americans stand as one and fight the battle together. The most significant threats to America are Marxism, and more specifically, socialism, and the imperialism ...

Jack Roberts

'Republicans' and 'Democrats,' text on red and blue backgrounds sits under the American flag.

8 Areas Millennials Can Upgrade

Usually, people born between the years 1981 and 1996 are categorized as Millennials. These young people are known for their self-love and lack of patience, and they tend to defy societal norms. They have been pivotal in shaping the evolution of technologies. Businesses thrive on their needs. But they can improve on certain aspects of ...

Armin Auctor

A group of Millennials taking a selfie.

Powerful Chinese Story: ‘The Filial Piety of Emperor Wen of Han’

This ancient Chinese story The Filial Piety of Emperor Wen of Han, comes from Treasured Tales of China Vol. 1 This book is filled with historical stories and legends that foster morality and virtue. The short stories take us back to ancient times in China and the book sparkles with wisdom. It is translated by Dora ...

Jessica Kneipp

Song Dynasty painting — filial piety.

Humble and Caring Empress Ma Xiuying of the Tang Dynasty

Ma Xiuying (July 18, 1332 – September 23, 1382) was a Chinese empress during the Ming Dynasty and was married to The Hongwu Emperor. She acted as his political adviser and secretary, exerting a large amount of influence during his reign. Ma Xiuying was born into a well-known wealthy family in Xuzhou, Anhui Province. Her father ran ...

Emma Lu

Empress Ma Xiuying.

The Huizhou Merchants and Their Way of Doing Business

The Huizhou merchants, also known as Hui merchants, were one of the merchant societies in the six counties under the Huizhou Prefecture during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, also known as the “Hui Gang.” They were highly respected and known for their “Confucian way” of doing business. The Legend of the Huizhou merchants The Huizhou ...

Hermann Rohr

Huizhou merchants doing business.

Chinese New Year: Who and What Is a Red Envelope For?

One of the most important and well-known traditions of Chinese New Year is receiving a red envelope/red packet from your boss, parents, or relatives. Red envelopes are given to kids and elders to share the blessing. If you are the family breadwinner, you will prepare and hand out the red packets for both young and old. It ...

Emma Lu

Red envelopes for giving money to young people during the Chinese New Year.

China’s Digital Surveillance State Exposed in Data Leak

China has often been accused of resorting to secret digital surveillance activities by the governments of other countries. Top Chinese origin mobile phone makers have been accused of using covert digital surveillance tech in their products to collect users’ data. While the Chinese government and such brands have denied the allegations of secret digital surveillance, ...

Jack Roberts

An image of a woman's eye seen under a digital data stream.

Chinese Undercover Agent in UK Parliament Exposed by MI5

MI5, the domestic spy agency of the UK, recently alleged that China has deployed a Chinese undercover agent in the UK parliament. MI5 has warned the UK parliament of an intrusion of a Chinese agent interfering with the country’s political developments. The agent, named Christine Ching Kui Lee, is a Chinese national. MI5 has accused ...

Jack Roberts

Christine Lee with Labor Party members.

Shen Yun Can Improve the Mind, Body, and Spirit

From Shen Yun: “The beauty of heavenly beings dancing.” Sounds magical, right?  Dr. Hu is a famous doctor in Taipei’s “Shanghai Tong De Tang” clinical office. He studied both Chinese and Western medicine. He cured the fifth melanoma patient in the world with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatments and is well-known in the medical world.  According ...

Helen London

Shen Yun orchestra.