Health, Featured

8 Simple Exercises for a Healthy Life

Naturally, everyone wants to improve their health, but nowadays we are occupied with electronic devices to such an extent that almost everyone, whether young or old, spends a lot of time looking at a smartphone. Many of us are immersed in our devices, and that is not great for our health. A few simple exercises ...

David Jirard

There are simple exercises to mitigate the impacts of the time we spend on our electronic devices.

How a Dying Coal Town Doctor Is Helping Reshape His Community (Part 1)

A dying coal town famous for a vicious family feud has been rebuilding itself through an inspiring mix of cooperation and ingenuity. The small town of Williamson, West Virginia, lies nestled amidst the rolling hills of the Appalachian Mountains in the heart of coal country. Separated from its counterpart, South Williamson, Kentucky, by the Tug ...

Tatiana Denning

Williamson, West Virginia.

The Story of a Poor Man and His Pearl

Once upon a time, a poor man went to visit his relative, and he was warmly welcomed with a feast. At the end of the night, he became drunk and fell asleep in his seat. His relative, however, had to leave immediately. Before he hurried off, he sewed a precious pearl called “wisdom” into his poor ...

Max Lu

A pearl in a shell sits on white sand on top of a pearl necklace.

The Traditional Way to Harvest Saguaro in the Desert

Growing anything edible in the desert can be challenging, given the soil condition and shortage of water. However, there are some tribes like the Tohono O’odham in the Sonoran Desert who have mastered the trick of harvesting fruit found there naturally. These tribes have survived for centuries by using certain types of desert plants and ...

Emma Lu

Saguaro cacti in Arizona's Sonoran Desert.

2 Brothers Sought the Tao, but Only One Obtained It

Lao Zi once said: “When a wise person hears the Tao, he practices it diligently, but when an average person hears the Tao, he practices it on and off.” The following story is about two brothers who sought the Tao. A long time ago, there were two brothers who wanted to take up cultivation. However, their ...

Max Lu

Five stepping stones in the water.le of water.

Did You Know Mushrooms Have Their Own Language?

Most animals, whether primates, birds, or marine creatures like dolphins, communicate using some kind of language. But did you know scientists have been discovering that apart from animals, plants also use their own languages for communication? According to a recent study, mushrooms use electric impulses transmitted through underground filamentous structures called hyphae, producing a kind ...

Armin Auctor

Closeup of mushrooms growing on the forest floor in autumn.

Most Americans Say Their Mother Is Their Best Friend

A recently conducted survey revealed that Americans have strong bonds with their mothers. The survey shows that 7 in every 10 Americans consider them as their best friends. The survey conducted before Mother’s Day involved around 2,000 adults. They were asked about the role of women in their lives. The study was carried out by ...

Raven Montmorency

Daughter giving a DIY gift to her mother on Mother's Day.

Zayaan Khan, the Seed Librarian in South Africa Preserving Traditions

South Africa has a food system that is not in sync with what its land is capable of growing. However, efforts are on to restore the native and age-old horticulture. A skilled seed librarian named Zayaan Khan is among the pioneers spearheading this movement. She is also a talented horticulturist.  Located on the western coast ...

Armin Auctor

Zayaan Khan with a slice of horned cucumber in her mouth.

David Brown, the World’s Fastest Blind Man

People with vision deficits tend to lead a difficult life. You may have seen people who are either blind from birth or those who lost their eyesight in life, requiring the help of others to walk or navigate across a street. Yet, it seems impossible to think of a blind man running without assistance. However, ...

Armin Auctor

David Brown running with Jerome Avery.