Health, Featured

5 Foods High in Collagen for Supple Skin and Healthy Joints

Skincare regimes we all buy into promise younger, dewier, plumper, more youthful skin. Anti-aging, anti-wrinkle serums, creams, and elixirs flood the market and our consciousness. But who would have thought that a simple protein called collagen could be part of the key to an enduring youthful appearance? What is collagen and why is it important? ...

Audrey Wang

Foods that contain collagen.

3 Interesting Moral Fables

  Not everything is as it seems. People around the world have always used moral fables to help people gain deeper insights and understandings. Here are 3 moral fables to expand your thinking 1. Look up and you look beautiful  Jenny is a young girl. Not having faith in her looks, she always kept her head ...

Helen London

Optical illusion of a man grabbing the sun out of the sky.

Why Sharing in Person Is Better Than Emails When Asking for Help

Nowadays, people have become more comfortable interacting with others through technological and online routes than in person. From a school-going child to working professionals in their 40s, most people find the convenience and speed of digital communication modes more desirable than the old-school way of sharing in person. Often, people juggling with time in their ...

Raven Montmorency

Two hands reaching in silhouette.

Complaining: Stop Pouring Water Into Your Own Shoes

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a young man who was very talented. He studied hard for the provincial exams and passed on his first attempt which qualified him for an official government position. However, there were many more people qualified than there were available positions and there was no way of telling how long ...

Kathy McWilliams

A pair of hiking boots sitting beside a lake.

Terry Fox: The One-Legged Runner and Canadian Hero

On November 12, 1976, a young man named Terry Fox from British Columbia was involved in a car accident and survived. A few months later, he felt some soreness in his right knee, but chose to ignore it. The pain got worse as more months passed. He went to the hospital but was shocked by ...

Haidene Go

Terry Fox running across Canada.

5 Children’s Habits Parents Should Not Condone

Good and bad habits children form stem largely from their upbringing. While good children’s habits are to be encouraged, bad children’s habits should not be condoned. 5 children’s habits parents should prevent from developing 1. Rudely interrupting conversations in order to talk Some children are impatient and can’t wait to tell their families what they think. Regardless of what setting ...

Emma Lu

Naughty girl with arms crossed being scolded by mother and grandmother.

Boy Runs Into Car, Gets New Bike

This is an inspiring story about how a young boy got a new bike. It is not uncommon to come across mishaps or experience untoward developments in life. From time to time, everyone experiences things that he or she did not expect or want. However, very few people can keep calm and act in a ...

Emma Lu

Man presenting a new bicycle to a boy.

Irish Businessman Richard O’Halloran Finally Reunited With His Family

An Irish businessman who was not allowed to leave China for three years has finally returned home to his family. Richard O’Halloran is relieved to be back in his homeland of Ireland with his family. A director at China International Aviation Leasing Service traveled to Shanghai in February 2019. However, he faced repeated hurdles when ...

Jack Roberts

Richard O'Halloran with his family and dog.

Scientists Discover How Galaxies Can Exist Without Dark Matter

 In a new Nature Astronomy study, an international team led by astrophysicists from the University of California, Irvine and Pomona College report how, when tiny galaxies collide with bigger ones, the bigger galaxies can strip the smaller galaxies of their dark matter — matter that we can’t see directly, but that astrophysicists think must exist because, without ...

Troy Oakes

Galaxy NGC 1052-DF2 is nearly entirely lacking in dark matter.