Entertainment, Featured

Meet the Bassoon

The bassoon is a double-reed woodwind family musical instrument. It is typically a low-pitched instrument. Air passing between two reeds causes them to vibrate to deliver their distinct sound.  The bassoon was created after tweaking a renaissance era musical instrument called the dulcian. The dulcian was made of a single piece of wood, and it ...

Jack Roberts

Woman playing a bassoon.

Shima Enaga: Tiny Birds in Japan That Look Like Cotton Balls

Specific wildlife species native to Japan are adorable, and one such example is the tiny Shima Enaga bird. The Shima Enaga is a subspecies of the long-tailed bushtit. They are also known as the silver-throated tit or silver-throated dasher. The Shima Enaga are tiny birds (at 5-6 inches in length, including their tail at 3-4 ...

Emma Lu

Shima Enaga sitting on a branch quizzically looking out.

10 Benefits of Giving Up Alcohol

Giving up alcohol can be a daunting task, but the benefits are worth it. You’ll sleep better, have more energy, lose weight, and save money. Plus, you’ll avoid health risks such as liver disease and cancer. So ditch the drink for good and start reaping the benefits! 10 reasons to give up alcohol 1. Heart ...

Jack Roberts

Hand rejecting alcoholic beverage.

All You Need to Know About Nightmares

There is hardly any person who does not dream while sleeping. Dreams can be of many types and psychologists have tried to interpret their roots and nuances for years. Yet, everything about dreams is not known or understood fully. Some dreams are pleasant while others can be quite scary. Most people experience bad dreams, but ...

Armin Auctor

Sleepless man lying in bed.

At This Armenian Restaurant, Satellite Dishes Serve as Ovens

A fantastic Armenian restaurant offers many dishes, and you can taste some delicacies of Armenian cuisine such as Marash, Ailazan, and nettle soup. However, the “Sunny Meals” section is what most customers opt for. This is also known as the Armenian restaurant’s satellite dishes. The customers of Machanents restaurant may choose the dish, mostly trout, ...

Armin Auctor

Steaminmng solar cooked food.

How Animals Repay Humans With Loyalty

Nothing quite matches the infinite loyalty and unbreakable bond between a pet and its owner. Throughout the years, hundreds of incredibly touching stories have documented this amazing bond of loyalty. Let’s take a look at three heartwarming stories of animals displaying loyalty to humans.   Hachiko: Japan’s most loyal dog Hachiko’s real story begins with ...

Helen London

Statue of Hachiko.

2 Short Stories Showing How Lateral Thinking Works 

The best way to think is to break down the barriers that confine your thought processes and change stereotypical problem-solving. The following two stories show how two people used lateral thinking and thought differently about challenges, which might inspire you.  Lateral thinking reveals the value of garbage  In 1946, a Jewish father and his son arrived in the United States. They settled ...

Helen London

Light bulbs standing upright on a table with one of them lit.

Is Having an Imaginary Friend Normal for Children?

Growing up, do you ever recall having an “imaginary friend?” A best friend even, who was completely real to you, and only you?  I can’t say that I ever did. I would hear the term often, and yes, I may have pretended within the realms of my own vast imagination that I was friends with ...

Katrina Hicks

Girl whispers in teddy bear's ear.

2022: Welcome the Chinese New Year of the Tiger

The tiger is one of the most recognized animal images worldwide and is the largest of the big cats. The year 2022 brings the Chinese Year of the Tiger. The Tiger replaces the Ox reigning supreme from February 1 until January 21, 2023 as the third sign of the Chinese zodiac.   Year of the Tiger ...

Helen London

Floral display in Hong Kong shopping mall in the shape of two tigers.

Display of Traditional Paper Cutting for Chinese New Year

One pair of scissors, one piece of colored paper, one creative imagination and you have traditional Chinese paper cutting.   From simple and humble beginnings, Chinese paper cuttings bring to life a colorful world of interesting people, beautiful flowers, and lovely animals, as well as the delights of nature.  While simple on the surface, the ancient ...

Tatiana Denning

A senior Chinese couple pasting the traditional `Fu` paper character on a glass door at home for Chinese New Year decoration and celebration.