Relationships, Featured

The Vibrational Frequency of Wellness: Harnessing Positive Energy for Health

In a world where illness seems to lurk around every corner, the fear of diseases like cancer can be overwhelming. But what if the key to health lies in medical treatments and the energy we carry within us? Dr. David R. Hawkins, a renowned physician, has explored this intriguing concept, suggesting that your thoughts and ...

Max Lu

Dr. David R. Hawkins.

When Animals Become Heroes: Tales of Courage and Compassion

In a world where headlines often highlight the darker side of humanity, stories of courage and compassion can shine like beacons of hope. Sometimes, these stories don’t feature humans, but rather the animals we share our planet with. Today, let’s delve into some heartwarming tales where animals have stepped up in extraordinary ways to save ...

Max Lu

Three lions huddled together.

Nourish Your Mind: Foods That Boost Mood and Mental Health

Traditionally, scientists have focused on the impact of food on physical health. However, in recent years, the scientific community has started looking at the relationship between people’s guts and mental health in response to the global rise in stress, depression, and anxiety disorders. Can what you eat influence your physiology, brain structure, and behavior? Surprisingly, ...

Nathan Machoka

An assortment of healthy foods for the brain.

The Divine Plan in Life: How Fortune-Telling Guided a Skeptic to Faith

In many cultures, fortune-telling is viewed with skepticism, often dismissed as mere superstition. Yet, the journey from skepticism to a belief that the divine takes a hand in orchestrating our lives, as experienced by an individual, offers a unique perspective on how unexpected encounters can profoundly alter beliefs. This story unfolds against the backdrop of ...

Max Lu

The fresco 'The Eternal in Glory' by Luigi Garzi (1685) in the apse of Cybo chapel in church Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome, Italy.

Karma and Consequences: Tales of Moral Retribution in Traditional Chinese Culture

The concept of moral retribution is fundamental in traditional Chinese culture. The saying “People act, Heaven watches” implies that every choice between good and evil shapes your future. Regardless of modern belief, this principle continues to influence actions and events. The Song Dynasty scholar Hong Mai documented various actual events of karmic retribution in his ...

Mikel Davis

Rock painted with the Yin-Yang symbol sits on a beach.

How This Intergenerational Care Facility Is Revolutionizing Dementia Care

In recent years, the concept of an intergenerational care facility has become more of a buzz. Nursing homes have gained a bad reputation as places where people dump elderly relatives, especially those with dementia, to avoid caring for them anymore.  Senior retirement homes can also get a bit lonely and monotonous because the routine is ...

Nathan Machoka

Elderly woman touching the face of an elderly bearded man holding a cane.

8 Foods That Can Be Your Spiritual Antidote

Amid your busy daily life, you often face various pressures and conflicts. Behind these seemingly trivial matters lie deeper issues of poor communication and accumulated stress. Dr. Lobsang Gyaltsen presents an interesting viewpoint regarding food in his book Preventive Medicine: The Tibetan Art of Healing Body and Mind. You can improve physical health, bring peace ...

Emma Lu

A paste made from black sesame seeds.

Unlock the Benefits of the 5 AM Club

Have you ever heard about people raving about joining the 5 AM Club? No? Imagine everything outside is still asleep, and the air is fresh and quiet. At this peaceful time, there is a one-of-a-kind chance that early risers worldwide have come to love: the 5 AM Club. In this article, we will delve into ...

Viena Abdon

Saluting the rising Sun.

Resilient Gibbon: The Story of a ‘Skywalker’ Thriving in Myanmar’s Jungles

The resilient “Skywalker” gibbon lives deep in the canopy of Myanmar’s rich jungles. This amazing primate, first spotted along the border between China and Myanmar in 2017, has fascinated scientists with its ability to thrive in extreme adversity. Once rare in Yunnan Province of China, new findings reveal a flourishing gibbon population within Myanmar. This ...

Nathan Machoka

A gibbon in the trees.

3 Science-Backed Ways to Prevent Dementia and Protect Your Brain

Are you looking to prevent cognitive impairment, including dementia? Scientists have identified three highly effective strategies to protect the brain from declining memory: moderating alcohol intake, steering clear of busy roads, and reducing sugar consumption. These measures have been pinpointed as the most effective ways to lower the risk of cognitive disorders. Key strategies to ...

Max Lu

Hands cupped to hold a cutout shaped like a human head with a tree inside where the brain would be, losing its autumn leaves.