Business, Featured

Top 5 Sales Books to Raise Your Game in 2023

Are you a salesperson looking for some sales books so that you up your game going into 2023? Great! Jumping into cold water as a salesperson still requires some training to improve. When you need direction, you often turn to literature for help. However, finding the right book is a challenging task. Searching for subjects ...

Ratul Saha

Becoming successful in sales.

How to Leave a Good Impression on Your In-Laws

How do you leave a good impression on your in-laws? Is it the things you say, or do, or both? Marriage is an intimate union between two individuals. Still, it includes a passive relationship with their friends, relatives, and especially their parents. A marriage not only unites these two individuals, but it also brings together ...

Viena Abdon

Family with children and grandparents.

6 Reasons Why Millennials Love Houseplants

Millennials are known to be the most diverse, tolerant, connected, educated, and idealistic age group. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, they comprise the most prominent adult generation surpassing baby boomers. This age group has been at the forefront of specific issues, such as climate change. Very recently, they are again at ...

Viena Abdon


7 Life Lessons From the Magical World of ‘My Neighbor Totoro’

My Neighbor Totoro, or simply Totoro to Studio Ghibli fans, has cemented itself among the best-animated movies. Aside from the great drawings and cute characters, Studio Ghibli infused My Neighbor Totoro with solid emotional resonances and life lessons. ‘My Neighbor Totoro’ synopsis The plot of My Neighbor Totoro is simple, with hardly any exterior conflicts. ...

Viena Abdon

'My Neighbor Totoro.'

Magic Mushrooms and the Truth Behind Them: Can They Help With Depression?

Magic mushrooms have grown extremely popular in coping with depression and other psychological struggles. They have become a popular treatment for people suffering from depression. While this alternative has not yet received mainstream acceptance, it still holds some advantages compared to conventional treatment. While every case is different, some people prefer to avoid chemically engineered ...

Mike West

Magic mushrooms.

Warning Signs and the Causes of Speech Delay in Children

Children with a speech delay may use words, but you have a hard time understanding them. They could also struggle to speak because they struggle to form words. A 2-year-old can produce two and three-word sentences and say roughly 50 words. By the age of three, children have a vocabulary of about 1,000 words and ...

Viena Abdon

A mother and daughter communicating.

3 Teas to Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

Healthy blood vessels are crucial for transporting oxygen and nutrients via human blood, and your blood vessels have a lifespan. Although blood vessels are less prone to problems when young, you must pay special attention to the potential for cardiovascular disease as you age. How does one maintain the health of their blood vessels? The ...

David Jirard

Hawthorn tea with hawthorn flowers..

6 Easy Ways to Teach Kids About the Value of Money

Teaching your children the value of saving money can be challenging because saving is a tall task, even for adults. For instance, 63 percent of the working population in the United States live paycheck to paycheck, making it difficult for children to emulate the savings culture.  Psychologically, most parents think that money matters and saving ...

Nathan Machoka

A young girl learning about moey.

Can a Lack of Sleep Make You Selfish?

A recent study by academics at the University of California, Berkeley, demonstrates that a bad night’s sleep might impact how helpful and charitable you are. Inadequate rest has been connected to a higher risk of heart disease, depression, diabetes, hypertension, and total mortality. However, current research indicates that lack of sleep weakens our fundamental social ...

Ratul Saha

Alarm clock on a bedside table.

Why Sweet Potatoes Are Good for You

People eat sweet potatoes as a staple food, an appetizer, a side dish, or a snack. They have been considered a longevity food since ancient times and can help maintain good health. Li Shizhen (1518-1593), a doctor of the Ming Dynasty, wrote in Compendium of Materia Medica: “People in Haizhong live longer because they do ...

Mikel Davis

Three different colors of grilled sweet potatoes, orange, yellow, and purple, are served on a salad with snap peas and cherry tomatoes.