
Greed Can Ruin a Person’s Destiny

There is a legend about a once-famous painter and how greed destroyed a person’s destiny. He wanted to make the Buddha and demons the subjects of his paintings, but since he did not know what they looked like nor could he imagine what they looked like, he became very anxious. One day, he met a ...

Michael Segarty

A Chinese landscape painting.

How Did Confucius Deal With Yan Hui When He Stole the Rice?

Yan Hui, also known as Yan Yuan, was an ancient Chinese philosopher from the state of Lu (521-481 B.C.). He was the favorite disciple of Confucius and ranked number one among the 72 disciples of Confucius. Yan Hui was born into a poor family but was accepting of his situation. He was smart, diligent in ...

Helen London

A Chinese painting of mountains.

How Did the Ancients Cope With Plagues?

The ancients believed that to escape plagues, it was necessary for people to sincerely confess their sins to God and repent. In modern times, people speak of “raising their vibration.” And the steps required to reach such a level include developing kindness, honesty, integrity, tolerance, selflessness, optimism, and respect for the divine. The ancients also ...

Helen London

People dying from a plague.

2 Stories of Wisdom

In life, being able to remain calm is not only a kind of wisdom, but also a kind of resilience. Learning to keep calm is a valuable asset. It will let you see that once the stormy sea and dark clouds appear in front of you, anxiety and distress not only do nothing to help ...

Audrey Wang

Sailing on a calm lake.

Your Heart Creates the Appearance That Leads to Prosperity or Failure

What’s in your heart will determine success or failure. In the Song Dynasty, there were identical twin brothers, Gao Xiaobiao and Gao Xiaoji. At the age of 16, they took part in the state examination system and both passed the county-level examination, gaining recognition as individuals who had “cultivated talents.” Once they married, their parents ...

Helen London

A landscape at dusk.

Amazing Quotes About Character and Life by Greeks and Laozi

People often have a mistaken notion that intelligence is something modern and that the ancients were not as wise as we are now. If you harbor such beliefs, the following words of wisdom from ancient Greek thinkers and the Chinese philosopher Laozi about character and life should change your opinion. Greek quotes about character Heraclitus (535 ...

Emma Lu

The Greek philosopher Plato.

How the Great Physician Hua Tuo Treated Illness

Many great medical experts of ancient times were Taoists with high moral values. Their self-cultivation enabled them to attain supernatural powers. Famous physician Hua Tuo of the Three Kingdoms period was one such Taoist. His methods of treatment could be very unique at times, too. There was an official in the provinces who fell gravely ...

Helen London

A Brilliant Army Strategy: Outwitting 150,000 Enemies Using a Lute

When it comes to defeating 150,000 soldiers, you might think that a large force made up of at least an equal number of soldiers would be required. But a Chinese General named Zhuge Liang (181 to 234) took care of this task with a musical instrument — a lute. The lute strategy Liang lived during ...

Max Lu

A Chinese lute.

A Famous Medicinal Herb Merchant in Chang’an During the Tang Dynasty

In the mid-period of the Tang Dynasty, there was a herb merchant named Song Qing who lived in the capital of Chang’an in the western part of the city. During that time, there was a well-known adage that held: “Medicinal herb merchant Song Qing is a person with righteous thinking.” Being a humble merchant, how ...

Michael Segarty

A herbal apothecary.

Genius and Beauty: What Zhuge Liang Valued

Zhuge Liang was an ancient Chinese military strategist during the Three Kingdoms era of China, 220-280. His parents passed away when he was very young. He then moved to Long Zhong, approximately 13 kilometers away from Xiangyang, Hubei, China, with his uncle. Zhuge Liang was talented, tall, and very handsome. Despite these attributes, he was ...

Helen London

The Summer Palace in Beijing.