Wisdom, Featured

3 Interesting Moral Fables

  Not everything is as it seems. People around the world have always used moral fables to help people gain deeper insights and understandings. Here are 3 moral fables to expand your thinking 1. Look up and you look beautiful  Jenny is a young girl. Not having faith in her looks, she always kept her head ...

Helen London

Optical illusion of a man grabbing the sun out of the sky.

Complaining: Stop Pouring Water Into Your Own Shoes

During the Qing Dynasty, there was a young man who was very talented. He studied hard for the provincial exams and passed on his first attempt which qualified him for an official government position. However, there were many more people qualified than there were available positions and there was no way of telling how long ...

Kathy McWilliams

A pair of hiking boots sitting beside a lake.

Inspirational Works About Loss and Gain

Here is a famous poem about loss and gain by the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 – March 24, 1882). Loss and Gain When I compareWhat I have lost with what I have gained,What I have missed with what attained,Little room do I find for pride. I am awareHow many days have been idly spent;How like an arrow the good intentHas fallen short or been turned aside.  But who shall dareTo measure loss and gain in this wise?Defeat may be victory in disguise;The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide.  Three famous stories about loss and gain 1. Being kind and tolerant has its rewards Chen Xiao was an honest, kind, and tolerant person. During the ...

Helen London

A pond surrounded by trees.

5 Magic Words of Wisdom to Deal With Bullies

There have always been bullies for as long as there have been social relationships. Nowadays, more than ever, there are more ways of being bullied than ever, especially with the internet. So, how does one deal with a bully? 5 magic words to deal with a bully In ancient China, people followed a 5-word mentality ...

Hermann Rohr

Boy being bullied by bigger boy.

Your Character Is Defined by How You React

Life inevitably brings unexpected events. If we carefully examine our past life to date, we may notice that we have undoubtedly encountered unexpected situations. During these times, our behavior often reflects our true character. The following stories depict how people act given unexpected events and how this reflects their character. Employing self-reflection My friend Vivian ...

Emma Lu

Car stopped on sidewalk.

2 Short Stories Showing How Lateral Thinking Works 

The best way to think is to break down the barriers that confine your thought processes and change stereotypical problem-solving. The following two stories show how two people used lateral thinking and thought differently about challenges, which might inspire you.  Lateral thinking reveals the value of garbage  In 1946, a Jewish father and his son arrived in the United States. They settled ...

Helen London

Light bulbs standing upright on a table with one of them lit.

Powerful Chinese Story: ‘The Filial Piety of Emperor Wen of Han’

This ancient Chinese story The Filial Piety of Emperor Wen of Han, comes from Treasured Tales of China Vol. 1 This book is filled with historical stories and legends that foster morality and virtue. The short stories take us back to ancient times in China and the book sparkles with wisdom. It is translated by Dora ...

Jessica Kneipp

Song Dynasty painting — filial piety.

3 Top-Level Rules Useful in Your Life

The famous Japanese entrepreneur Inamori Kazuo once said: “The key to one’s success is how one thinks.” There are three top-level rules that guide how you think that can help you succeed in life.  3 top-level rules to follow in your life 1. Be willing to change  Zhou Jie, a Chinese actor, became well known for playing Er Kang, ...

Helen London

Dirt road in a field headed toward the sunset.

How Gong Yuan Found Out That Heaven Knows Everything

We often do things and conceal our thoughts, unaware that Heaven knows everything we think and do. In the Ming Dynasty, Dongyue Temple, Yanzhou Prefecture, Shandong, was well-known for the manifestation of deities. During the Hongzhi reign of Emperor Xiaozong, Gong Yuan, who was from Suzhou and a successful candidate in the highest imperial exam, ...

Hermann Rohr

A view of the sun shining on clouds over the sea.

Good and Evil Are Rewarded Accordingly

The ancients said that good deeds would be met with good returns while evil deeds would be punished. Up until today, there are still people who believe that “you reap what you sow.” The existence of God and Buddhas is real and retribution for doing evil deeds as well as compensation and justice for doing ...

Max Lu

Farmer's hand planting seeds in soil.