Relationships, Featured

7 Principles for Making a Happy Marriage

What makes a marriage work is surprisingly simple. Happily married couples aren’t smarter, richer, or more psychologically astute than others. But in their day-to-day lives, they hit upon a dynamic that keeps their negative thoughts and feelings about each other from overwhelming their positive ones. They have what I call an emotionally intelligent marriage. They ...

Emma Lu

Smiling woman embracing her husband at the beach.

10 Things to Avoid When Arguing With Your Spouse

Relationships have their ups and downs, no doubt. Being happily married doesn’t mean that arguing will never take place with your spouse. When disagreements do arise, there are certain things you absolutely must not do when arguing. Don’t do these 10 things when arguing with your spouse 1. Stop arguing in front of strangers Having ...

Helen London

A couple having an argument.

Your Child’s 8 Golden Years

Every parent wants to understand their child’s developmental stages, such as motor skills, language, socialization, and emotional development. But how much do we know, and how should we influence them in their early years? The Yale University Child Development Institute, tracked the growth of thousands of children to help parents set realistic expectations of their ...

Raven Montmorency

Young boy and girl about to race.

How to Be Supportive Without Rescuing Your Husband

There is something on which we all agree: It is important to balance life by keeping all priorities in mind. This also stands true for relationships, particularly those closest to your heart. It is important to be supportive, but without attempting to rescue your loved one. We often tend to overdo things to rescue our near ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman sitting with a man in a restaurant with a worried expression on her face while he talks.

Reincarnation Story: Why the Donkey Started Talking

The following story about a donkey illustrates the cycle of reincarnation and the building up and repaying of debts. A famous saying goes: “It is only right to pay your debts.” However, it’s unavoidable to owe others emotional debts, financial debts, and even life debts. If you don’t repay these debts in your lifetime, you ...

Helen London

A donkey with its head sticking out of its stall.

Dinner Together Is the Magic Formula for Family Life

A dinner table is a special place. It’s where families come together to share their day, laughter, and love. It’s also a place where children learn social skills and adults can reconnect after a long day. Here’s why sharing dinner together is the key to happy family life. Dinner together is a magic formula 1. ...

Raven Montmorency

Family sharing dinner at the table.

How Did Ancient Chinese Raise Children to Be Noble?

In ancient China, parents would raise their children in such a righteous way that even if their parents weren’t present, they would still follow what the parent would say and remain noble. Take, for example, the story of Fei Hong. Once Fei Hong was playing chess with his friend, of course, both wanted to win. ...

Emma Lu

Song Dynasty painting — filial piety.

Tips to Develop Critical Thinking Skills in Children

Critical thinking happens when children draw on their existing knowledge and experience, as well as on their problem-solving skills, to do things like: Compare and contrast Explain why things happen Evaluate ideas and form opinions Understand the perspectives of others Predict what will happen in the future Think of creative solutions Why is critical thinking ...

Jack Roberts

Two smiling children standing in cardboard boxes playing make-believe.

Children Say This Is What Love Means

What is love? Love plays a huge role in our lives, and yet what love means is rarely considered attentively and patiently. True love is a hard concept to define, and any definition you may read about it won’t do it justice. Most would say that love is something that you only fully understand when you feel ...

Hermann Rohr

Heart shapes drawn on a beach.