Mind & Spirit, Featured

A Strange Disease Caused by Karma

Karma is a Sanskrit term that directly translates into action. In Buddhism, karma means an intentional act that has future consequences. These intentions influence one’s rebirth in samsara, or the world as it is known according to their belief system. Buddhism is one of the three belief systems underpinning traditional Chinese culture.  According to Venerable ...

Helen London

A Gautama Buddha statue.

How Discomfort Helps Develop Resilience

Most of us seem to have a low tolerance for discomfort. You have grown to feel that you shouldn’t have to endure any emotional anguish. As a result, any circumstance that can cause uneasy feelings is now perceived as overwhelming, abnormal, and needing to be corrected.  What is discomfort? Being uncomfortable is feeling unpleasant, awkward, ...

Haidene Go

Feeling discomfort.

How to Keep Fear and Insecurity at Bay

Fear and insecurity can eat you up if you don’t deal with them. Because it is primarily an inward battle, you must learn how to deal with it internally. It is normal to feel fear and insecurity at some point in your life. While these feelings usually come and go, some people get overwhelmed. At ...

Mike West

Overcome fear, doubt, and insecurity.

Do You Have Any Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms?

Let’s look at coping mechanisms. Do you frequently watch television or binge-watch TV shows when stressed and unsure of how to cope? Do you ever lash out at people, or does your brain become stormy when stress or anxiety hits you? For Melbourne’s northern, western, and central districts, gambling, alcohol, and substance misuse are severe ...

Ratul Saha

A man with his head placed on a table with a glass of alcoholic spirit.

How to Balance Mental Health Amidst the Chaos of Work and Life

Life and its daily challenges can quickly get the best of us. While nutrition and rest are essential for maintaining vitality, mental health is often underrated. In this article, you will find out why maintaining mental health is essential and how you can excel at it. From financial to workplace worries, we all face difficulties ...

Viena Abdon

A woman smelling a handful of flowers.

Free Your Thoughts: Relax and Reduce Stress Without Technology

Modern tech has made true relaxation quite hard, often leading to stress. You stare at your computer all day only to go home and stare at your screens most of the night. During the COVID-19 lockdown, screen time increased dramatically. According to Frontiers, screen time increased by 70 percent and there was also a significant ...

Nathan Machoka

Smiling woman lounging back on the couch.

Mental Wellness: Protective Factors that Keep You Healthy

Mental wellness is an important factor that helps you have a fulfilling life. Therefore, a focus on improving your own mental health will mean you will feel even happier. Strong psychological health is referred to as mental well-being. Becoming mentally healthy entails having an organized mind and working for your best interests. You possess the ...

Viena Abdon

An Asian man looking contented.

Is It Time for a Mental Health Makeover?

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is essential at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Mastering your mind is key to a healthy and happy ...

Tatiana Denning

Smiling bearded man sitting back and taking a break from working on his laptop at a coffee shop.

Darryl Perry: The Man Who Went to Heaven and Came Back

Darryl Perry’s world suddenly changed on March 15, 2007, at around 4 a.m. At 40 years of age, he suddenly suffered a massive heart attack that left him vegetative. However, against all odds, Darryl awakened from his coma, carrying an incredible story to tell with him.  Who is ‘Miracle Man’ Darryl Perry? Darryl Perry was ...

Arianne Ayson

Beaming light through the clouds.

Habits that Help Cultivate Patience

Right from childhood, we have been told about good habits and virtues that we must follow. Among the many practices we are meant to develop, patience is essential. Many people consider it to be a superpower. There are many phases in our life that we need this quality to sail through. We know that things ...

Jack Roberts

Blocks on a wall spelling patience.patience