Featured, Arts

New Zealand: A New World, a New Life, With Endless Possibilities

There are many reasons for people from China wanting to migrate to New Zealand. It is a peaceful, stable, democratic, and prosperous country with great people, great scenery, and good quality of life. Mary chose New Zealand because of her family pressuring her to get married. She left China when she was 33. Mary once ...

Michael Segarty

Woman sitting on a hill at sunset.

People Must Be Generous

The most fulfilling life is one lived with tolerance, broad-mindedness, and a generous heart. If you don’t have these qualities, the world will be a tiny place and the road you walk will be extremely narrow. Some people are violent and angry, losing their temper over the smallest things. Others are kind-hearted, tolerant, and courteous, ...

Emma Lu

A generous heart to the rescue.

Healing Power of Ancient Bathing Rituals

A long, hot soak with essential oils and a fragrant body wash are the ultimate recipe for relaxation after a tiring day. Today, bathing is a private exercise that helps us de-stress and revitalize. But historically speaking, this is a relatively new development. Throughout history, the activity of bathing was mostly public or else tied ...

Raven Montmorency

A lady soaks in bath tub of almond milk with red rose petals.

There’s a Better Way to Parenting: Less Yelling and Less Praise

Raising children the proper way has been an eternal dilemma for parents. Michaeleen Doucleff attempts to clear up some of the myths associated with parenting. The noted NPR journalist points out the mistakes committed by the majority of parents and how they can evade the pitfalls in her well-researched book entitled Hunt, Gather, Parent: What ...

Raven Montmorency

A young boy and girl.

Touching the Surface of Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten is a protein composite found in grains, such as wheat, barley, and rye. This protein can cause reactions in people who have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Gluten intolerance can manifest itself as a wide range of symptoms. Here are some of the most common ones, although the list is by no means ...

Sheridan Genrich

Gluten-free pulses and grains.

A Real Life-Changing Compliment

In the public mind, like in the fairy tales, a stepmother is usually seen as vicious, mean, and conniving, an old hag and warty, abusive of her stepchildren, scolding them for no reason, forcing them to do heavy housework, and refusing to let them receive an education. The stepmother usually gets a raw deal in fairy tales. ...

Helen London

Fairytale queen.

SBS to Temporarily Stop Airing China Central Television (CTTV)

The Special Broadcasting Service (SBS), a hybrid-funded Australian public service broadcaster, has said it is going to stop its regular broadcasts of China Central Television (CTTV). This development took place after a human rights group pointed out that the broadcaster was airing possibly forced confessions. SBS has taken note of the allegation and stated that ...

Max Lu

SBS Logo

8 Eco-Friendly Makeup Swaps That Will Make You and the Earth Happy

It is important to take up measures that reduce the carbon footprint and make the Earth a better place to live in. Every person, regardless of income level, lifestyle, or location, can do his/her little bit to reduce environmental pollution. This is applicable for those involved in the makeup and grooming industry as well. Switching ...

Raven Montmorency

Switching over to eco-friendly makeup products and habits can help greatly reduce environmental damage.

COVID-19 Makes the Brain Age 10 Years, so What Can Be Done?

Last October, a large study by the Imperial College London surveyed 84,000 people who had recovered from the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and found that many of the patients were left with significant cognitive deficits. Some of the most severely affected patients in the survey showed brain age deterioration of up to 10 years.  Now, more ...

Tatiana Denning

Doctors looking at a brain scan.

Why Make-Believe Play Is an Important Part of Childhood Development

Visit any preschool classroom during free play and you will likely see a child pretending to be someone else. Make-believe play is a ubiquitous part of early childhood. And beyond being fun for kids, pretending and other kinds of make-believe play are also believed by some to be critical to healthy childhood development. Research has found a ...

Jessica Kneipp

A boy chasing another boy riding a wooden horse in a field