
Actress Develops a Belief in Buddhism After Playing Bodhisattva Guanyin

Published in the 16th century, the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West may well be the most popular book in all of East Asia. Based on historical events and influenced by Chinese mythology and folktales, it has won the hearts of those who know the story that features Bodhisattva Guanyin. The book’s 100 chapters ...

Jessica Kneipp

The Monkey King.

Your Heart Creates the Appearance That Leads to Prosperity or Failure

What’s in your heart will determine success or failure. In the Song Dynasty, there were identical twin brothers, Gao Xiaobiao and Gao Xiaoji. At the age of 16, they took part in the state examination system and both passed the county-level examination, gaining recognition as individuals who had “cultivated talents.” Once they married, their parents ...

Helen London

A landscape at dusk.

5 Key Foods for Longevity

Birth and old age, sickness and death are the course of nature, but that does not stop us from hoping for a long life. As food is our first necessity, as well as providing energy and nutrients, it is also the main source that we use to promote longevity. 5 foods for longevity 1. Fresh ...

Helen London

A basket of fresh vegetables.

Waistcoats and Hanfu: Period Clothing Coming Back in Style

Many people seek new outfits, radically different from all known styles, when they want to project themselves as fashionable. In essence, fashion to them is defined by the rejection of existing styles and the adoption of new, never-seen-before ones. However, there are people who do the reverse — they reject all modern clothing and choose ...

Raven Montmorency

Period clothing.

7 Brain Hacks That Allow You to Learn Faster

Do you want to learn something, but are finding the entire process difficult? Instead of focusing on spending too much time studying, you should focus on utilizing the available time in the best possible way by trying these brain hacks. 7 simple brain hacks that will allow you to learn any subject faster 1. Hand-written ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman falling asleep at her laptop.

Nourish Your Lungs With These Foods

In the face of Wuhan pneumonia, it is essential for you to nourish your lungs. The following are eight types of nourishing food you can eat to help maintain healthy lungs. These foods can help nourish your lungs Pears Pears help nourish your lungs. They have a hydrating effect and are easy to digest. Pear ...

Michael Segarty

Two pears.

Traditional Chinese Culture Symbolism: The Phoenix

The phoenix is probably the most iconic mythical bird in human history. Multiple cultures, from the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese, and Arabs, revered the bird. In traditional Chinese culture, the phoenix, referred to as feng huang, was seen as a noble bird that was able to judge the character of human beings and confer blessings ...

Emma Lu

The Chinese phoenix.

Flu Vs. the Wuhan Coronavirus: Know Your Illness

While China is suffering through a coronavirus outbreak, American citizens are braving both influenza and the Wuhan coronavirus. Even though some believe that both flu and coronavirus are similar, the fact is that there are big differences in the way they are transmitted, their mortality rates, preventive measures, and so on. Flu vs. the Wuhan ...

Armin Auctor

A man with the sniffles.

6 Tips to Boost Immunity

What is the best way to prevent the Wuhan coronavirus when medicine is not available? The answer is to have a strong immune system. 6 ways to boost your immunity without much cost or effort 1. Get enough sleep Diseases can result from a decline of immunity due to inadequate sleep or pressure from stress. ...

Audrey Wang

A girl running on the beach.