Feel Good

Kindness: A Cure for Stress

You’ve tried it all. From deep breathing to taking a nap, to venting to your friends, and yet you still feel stressed. Why not try a little kindness? Stress seems to be an epidemic these days. And if you’re not careful, today’s stress can become tomorrow’s anxiety, depression, or worse. But as we seek ways to help ourselves, ...

Tatiana Denning

A statue showing the chakras with 'kindness' written over it.

Explaining Autism Through Animation

According to a survey conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 1 out of every 40 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with autism. Many people find it difficult to communicate with such children. A 4-minute animated video created by director Alexander Amelines for the National Autistic Society aims to provide quick info on autism for ...

Raven Montmorency

Young girl with autism.

The Day After My Divorce

The divorce finally went through yesterday. Even though my parents opposed this because they believed our two children would not have a complete home, I couldn’t bear it anymore. I feel sorry for our children, but I will provide them with child support so they are not wanting. They will still carry on my family ...

Emma Lu

A divorce.

Precious Advice on Aging Well

As a family physician, I’ve often been inspired by those in their 80s and 90s who are aging well and wondered what they were doing. This older generation is different from today’s generation. It’s steeped in traditions and values; they knew their neighbors and thought of others first. They grew up in a kinder, gentler ...

Tatiana Denning

A very old woman.

Guzheng: The Chinese Zither

The guzheng is a traditional Chinese plucked instrument that belongs to the zither family of musical instruments. It has a history of over 2,500 years. The modern guzheng is about 64 inches in length, has 21 strings, and is tuned in a major pentatonic scale. The instrument A guzheng-like instrument is believed to have developed ...

Jessica Kneipp

A woman playing a Guzheng.

Blood Test Can Predict Prognosis in Deadly Brain Cancer Glioblastoma

A blood test that measures the amount of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in the bloodstream — called a liquid biopsy — correlates with how patients will progress after they are diagnosed with glioblastoma (GBM). This is the deadliest and most common primary brain tumor in adults. In a new study, researchers from the Abramson Cancer Center ...

Troy Oakes

Drawing a blood sample.

Tangram: China’s Most Famous Puzzle

Of all the puzzle games to have come out of China, tangram is one of the most popular. When it was first introduced into Europe in the 19th century, it became a craze among the local population. Although it appears simplistic, the creativity and analysis that goes into solving the puzzle make the game appealing even ...

Raven Montmorency

A tangram puzzle.

Microplastics in Oregon’s Oysters With Clothing Partly to Blame

Tiny threads of microplastics are showing up in Pacific oysters and razor clams along the Oregon coast — and the yoga pants, fleece jackets, and sweat-wicking clothing that Pacific Northwesterners love to wear are a source of that pollution, according to a new Portland State University study. Britta Baechler, a Ph.D. student in PSU’s Earth, ...

Troy Oakes

Oysters on clam shells.

Love Affairs That Transcended the Centuries (Part 2)

After their wedding, Songlin, a small-town doctor, and his new bride, Xiaoxue, settled down to married life. Songlin’s parents and relatives were all opposed to the marriage because Xiaoxue only had the intelligence of a 7-year-old. But Songlin remembered past lives and the past love affairs between the two of them. So he continued to ...

Helen London

A red and white water lily.

Crazy! Cities Becoming Close to Unaffordable to Live In?

According to a recent report by real estate data firm ATTOM, housing prices in the United States are rising faster than wages in about 80 percent of the markets. Buying or renting a decent home is now proving to be challenging for an average American worker as cities become unaffordable to live in. Housing crisis ...

Jack Roberts

A house for sale.