
Echo of Things Chinese

An amiable and outgoing character, Yongsong Huang’s youthful appearance belies his age of over 70 years. Huang himself is not only the founder, but also the chief planner and art director of Echo of Things Chinese, a Taiwan-based magazine devoted to collecting and preserving traditional Chinese folk culture and crafts. Though he has spent 44 ...

Emma Lu

'Echo of Things Chinese.'

In the Nick of Time: Stephan Caras

Through a series of twists and turns currently being documented for an upcoming film titled Badass Beauty Queen, the Story of Anastasia Lin, Anastasia and her supporters discovered that a pre-approved visa was not required for Canadians visiting Sanya, as it is a tourist area. So at the last moment, Anastasia packed her crown and ...

Nspirement Staff

Anastasia Lin.

Foods as Medicine: 12 Ingredients for Better Health

You can strengthen your immune system and maintain your health with good habits and a nutritious diet — e.g., better food, reducing your reliance on medication, and understanding foods as medicine. 12 beneficial foods that act as medicine 1. Bitter gourd (bitter melon): Hypoglycemic for the blood Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, can ...

Raven Montmorency

Bitter melon.

Night Sky Petunias: Find a Universe Inside a Flower

Ever wondered what the universe would look like in the palm of your hand? Grab a Night Sky Petunia and you’ll know exactly how that feels. One of the most beautiful flowers in the world, the colors and patterns on these petunias are guaranteed to mesmerize. The Night Sky Petunia The look of this hybrid ...

Raven Montmorency

Night Sky Petunias in bloom.

Urban Trees Found to Improve Mental and General Health

People living in urban areas have a lower risk of developing psychological distress and better overall health if they have more trees within a walkable distance from their homes, an Australian study by University of Wollongong (UOW) researchers has found. In neighborhoods with a tree canopy of 30 percent or more, adults had 31 percent ...

Troy Oakes

Urban trees.

5 Tasty Blue Fruits That Will Recharge Your Body’s Power House

Fruits come in many shapes and forms. But did you know that a fruit’s color also says something about that fruit’s nutritional content? Blue fruits, for example, get their beautiful color from plant compounds called polyphenols. They generally contain a lot of anthocyanins, which are a group of chemical compounds that are responsible for the ...

Hermann Rohr

A bowl of blueberries.

A Prodigal Son Is Priceless

“A prodigal son is priceless” is a popular saying among the Chinese people. This saying came from a folk story that occurred during the Ming Dynasty. During the Ming Dynasty, there was a wealthy man who became a father when he was over 50 years old. He was very happy and named the baby Tianbao, ...

Helen London

A new beginning.

The Numerous Benefits of Orange Essential Oil

Extracted from the peels of sweet oranges, orange essential oil has a fruity aroma that brings about a relaxing feeling in people. In some cases, the oils are also derived from the twigs and leaves of orange plants. Over the centuries, this oil has been used in aromatherapy and is believed to be good for ...

Raven Montmorency

Orange essential oil.

Combining Japanese Ingenuity With Kindergarten Design

A Japanese architect named Takaharu Tezuka wanted a kindergarten that kids would love. So he designed the Fuji kindergarten in Tokyo, widely regarded as one of the best-looking kindergartens in the world. The Fuji kindergarten The oval-shaped Fuji kindergarten was completed in 2007. Located in the Tachikawa suburb, it can accommodate up to 600 kids ...

Armin Auctor

Takaharu Tezuka-style kindergarten.

Thomas Dambo: The Artist Who Creates Giant Trolls Out of Trash

Thomas Dambo from Denmark has created something unique for the people of Copenhagen to enjoy — six large troll sculptures spread throughout the city’s forests. What’s interesting about them is that all the sculptures are made out of trash. The trolls of Copenhagen Thomas Dambo used recycled wood, collected from sources like pallets, old fences, ...

Armin Auctor

Giant trolls.