China, Traditions

Descendants of Confucius Number Over 4 Million

Chinese history is filled with stories of prominent families, but few have survived more than a thousand years. One such family is the Kong family, which has seen the rise and fall of dynasties, and come through all the instability of those times to the present day. The family has now surpassed its 84th generation, ...

Nspirement Staff

Confucius Statue

Mosquitoes Hate Sesame Oil!

Could it be? Could the choice between mosquitoes and toxic DEET-filled insect repellents finally be over? (Sorry, but we know the natural brands and recipes don’t cut it). We found this on the travel section of the Chinese social network Weibo. The age-old Chinese secret of applying sesame oil to keep the mozzies from biting ...

Emma Lu

A mosquito feeding on someone's arm.

Award-Winning Short Film ‘Ravage’ Reveals Real-Life Horror in China

Ravage is a visceral and hard-hitting short film by Peabody Award-winning director Leon Lee and stars human rights advocate, actress, and Canadian beauty pageant titleholder Anastasia Lin. The film is just over 7 minutes in length and has all the settings of a psychological horror story as we enter the psyche of a victim of torture. ...

Jessica Kneipp

Luxury Jewelry Auction at Christie’s in Hong Kong

As soon as most people hear the word auction, they instinctively think of second-hand items or antiques. But auctions are more than that, and they offer a diverse variety of items, such as luxury jewelry. In Hong Kong, the Fall auction at Christie’s, soon to kick off, offers much more than the normal auction. Lovers ...

Hermann Rohr

The Amazing Effects of Onions Soaked in Red Wine

When I traveled to Hong Kong, a wine retailer friend of mine told me that onions soaked in red wine can help get rid of common chronic diseases, and this treatment is apparently quite popular in Japan. He shared the recipe with me. At first, I was a bit suspicious, because I thought he was just ...

Jack Roberts

red onions

What makes an Italian?

When thinking of Italy and Italians, what immediately comes to people’s minds are pizza, pasta, fashion, cars, and mafia. But what makes an Italian? As a proud “member of this species,” I have been trying to find the best possible answers, because, beyond these stereotypes, there are traits common to all of us. When I ...

Laura Cozzolino

The Chinese Character for Jade, 玉

Let’s do an easy word this time – The Chinese character for jade! 玉 (yù) is another word based on the ideogram for king, 王 (wáng). The only difference is that there’s a tiny dot on its lower right side, which resembles an amulet on the king’s gown. The oldest form of 玉 displays a ...

Armin Auctor

Jade on display in Jade City, British Columbia,Canada.

Get Ready for the Flu and Allergy Season

During the fall and winter, certain foods can play an important role in helping you get ready for the flu and allergy season. Honey A spoonful of honey a day can be of great help during the flu and allergy season, as it can help prevent flu, coughing, and seasonal allergies. Honey is helpful for ...

Emma Lu

A honey dipper balanced on an open jar of honey.

Japanese Composer Joe Hisaishi

Ask any Japanese adult under 35 what their favorite childhood movie is and they’ll most likely mention My Neighbor Totoro, the film by legendary animation film producer Hayao Miyazaki. No great film is without a great musical score and soundtrack. Japanese composer Joe Hisaishi wrote the music for the 1988 movie. Hisaishi has continued to ...

Nspirement Staff

Joe Hisaishi at the 25th Anniversary Studio Ghibli Concert