Relationships, Featured

The Bus Driver Who Taught Children How to Read: Mr. Herman’s Kids

Being a bus driver is often a job that most people overlook, but one particular driver decided to use his free time to teach children how to read. Here’s how Mr. Herman helped the children read and their reactions to how he spent his free time teaching them. Herman Cruse is a bus driver who ...

Mike West

Herman Cruse with a student.

7 Tips to Strengthen Family Ties

Every family member benefits from happier and healthier relationships inside the family. Positive interactions between parents and children are fostered. Building bonds and family ties inside the family can make everyone happy and more likely to help and support one another. Regularly strengthening family ties may help everyone feel uplifted, supported, and connected. And this ...

Viena Abdon

A family out walking.

The Power of Forgiveness

It is said that humans are not creatures of logic, but rather of emotions. Human as you are, it is natural for you to feel resentment, hurt, or pain when other people hurt you. Forgiveness is complex, and it involves an intense and complicated process. Before you can forgive the person who has caused you ...

Haidene Go

White stones spelling 'forgive.'

7 Ways to Encourage Honesty in Children

As parents, we all want our children to grow up into responsible and reliable adults. Honesty plays a big part in this process. So what do you do when your child starts telling little white lies? First, don’t panic. It’s normal for kids to start stretching the truth as they develop their own way of ...

Nathan Machoka

A group of smiling children.

7 Ways to Enhance Your Child’s Social Skills

Seeing your child struggling to make friends or fit in with their peers is one of the hardest things a parent can go through. Yet, solid social skills are crucial for a child’s development, paving the way for positive interactions and future success.  While some children may have little trouble making friends or keeping conversations, ...

Viena Abdon

A group of smiling children.

Teaching a Child How to Deal With Anxiety

Knowing what to do when your child is anxious is critical to their mental health and confidence. If you don’t deal with this correctly, they can grow fearful, and this would limit them as they get older. Before everything else, it’s essential to understand that anxiety is normal and everyone experiences it. How many more ...

Mike West

An anxious child.

6 Proven Ways How Dads Can Bond With Their Children

The role of a dad in a family has changed dramatically in the past century. In the past, fatherhood mainly provided for the family and left the parenting to the mom. But in the last few decades, studies have shown the importance of dads in parenting. Your presence influences your children’s success, well-being, and happiness. ...

Nathan Machoka

A dad with a daughter on his shoulders.

10 Tips for Respecting and Getting Along With Others

In today’s world, respecting and getting along with others may sometimes seem complicated. Because everyone has their feelings, thoughts, and beliefs, which may differ from yours, you may have difficulty being tolerant, mainly if your emotions get involved. But suppose you can follow some basic rules and principles regarding interpersonal relationships, thinking of others first ...

Tatiana Denning

A group of older adults laughing and talking together.

5 Stress-Free Tips for Traveling With Babies and Toddlers

There is a common misconception that traveling once you have young children will be difficult. But no, traveling with babies and toddlers can also be stress-free and fulfilling. Traveling also creates enlightening experiences for your baby or toddler. Even though they may not recall those memories because they are still too young, their experiences will ...

Viena Abdon

Airport departure/arrival area.