Self Improvement, Editor's Pick

Unhealthy Competition May Be Holding You Back: Why You Should Let Go

Unhealthy competition is characterized by a win-at-all costs mentality, envy, deceit, and disregard for others, among other harmful means. This type of competition is detrimental to the individual and the society. But what are the root causes of unhealthy competition? Which signs can help you avoid these murky competition grounds? And lastly, what are the benefits ...

Nathan Machoka

Men competing with each other.

Beyond Words: Empathy as the Key to Human Connection

Humans are complex creatures possessing a range of emotions. One of our unique abilities is the capacity for empathy, which is often called the heart’s silent language. It enables you to communicate even without words. It is the hallmark of your humanity and an essential quality that distinguishes you from other species. What is empathy? ...

Haidene Go

The word 'empathy' spelled out on colored blocks of wood.

9 Simple Tips for Success!

Being successful requires certain procedures. Let’s see how many of them you can do! 9 tips for success 1. Adjust your time to be five minutes early On all your devices — watches, cell phones, computers — adjust the clock to be earlier by 5 minutes. Though the day is 24 hours and the workload ...

Emma Lu

Mobile phone app with a to-do list.

The Recipe for Love: How Cooking Together Strengthens Your Relationship

Amid the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s too easy to get lost in the digital world and neglect the importance of spending quality time with loved ones. However, cooking together in the kitchen can provide a sanctuary from the constant hum of technology, encouraging you to disconnect and focus on each other.  Cooking ...

Haidene Go

A couple cooking together.

4 Painful but Rewarding Experiences

Did you know that experiences that make you comfortable often have hidden risks? The things that are painful to endure and make you miserable either make you think or force you to grow. 4 experiences we assume are bad, but are actually good for you and rewarding psychologically 1. Giving up halfway Since you were ...

Emma Lu

A change in direction.

Beyond Words: The Value of Keeping Your Promises

The two words “I promise” carry a lot of weight, which is why when people break promises, it can create a crack in the relationship and lead to a loss of trust. Some may argue that not all promises hold the same weight. However, whichever way you look at it, a commitment is still a ...

Arianne Ayson

Young businessman in a navy suit wearing glasses.

The Perils of Idol Worship: When Admiration Goes Too Far

As you scroll through social media, you probably see people gushing over celebrities, public figures, or influencers they admire. While it’s human nature to look up to role models, idolizing them can be dangerous. Idol worship can morph into obsession, making you lose perspective and negatively impacting your life.  Why do we idolize people? People ...

Viena Abdon

Kim Kardashian.

Empowering Yourself: 5 Ways to Break Free From Fear and Worry

You’re not alone if you’ve ever felt paralyzed by fear or worry. Many of us, if not all, know how it feels to be held back by this heavy emotion. Looking closely, it comes in many forms and differs for each person.  For others, it feels like a dread that never goes away, while some ...

Arianne Ayson

Overcome fear, doubt, and insecurity.

Crafting the Perfect CV: 9 Tips for Success

You’ve graduated from college and an exciting career journey awaits. The first step? Creating a stellar curriculum vitae or CV to capture the attention of recruiters and employers.  Given the pivotal role a CV plays in your career progression, it can be hard to know where to start. Follow these tips to craft a CV ...

Viena Abdon

Attractive smiling young businesswoman holding her CV in a blue folder.

Mastering the Art of Exam Preparation: 8 Tips for Success

Want to walk into the exam room feeling prepared and confident? Perfecting preparation is an art form that requires both practice and effective techniques. Here are proven tips to help you prepare for your next exam and achieve the success you’ve been working toward all semester. 8 exam tips 1. Start your preparation early To ...

Viena Abdon

Blonde female student looks overwhelmed while sitting at a desk piled with books and a laptop in front of a chalkboard full of equations.