
Amaranth: Everything You Need to Know About the Ancient Aztec Grain

As people become more health-conscious, the quest for finding healthier grains has begun. While the majority of the population still rely on widely used grains like wheat and rice, the demand for healthier and gluten-free alternatives is definitely growing. If you want a healthy, gluten-free grain that is easy to cook and that provides numerous ...

Raven Montmorency

A wooden spoon filled with amaranth flour sits atop a pile of amaranth seeds on a counter.

Keeping Healthy With Sun-Dried Tangerine Peels

Sun-dried tangerine peels, or chenpi, are used as a seasoning in Chinese cooking, and also as a medicine. They smell a bit like cinnamon and have a slightly bitter taste. In traditional Chinese medicine, sun-dried tangerine peels also aid digestion. They counteract symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, hiccups, reflux, nausea, and vomiting. After a heavy ...

Raven Montmorency

Sun-dried tangerine peel.

6 Reasons Why You Should Have Vinegar More Often

Vinegar is a condiment most people are familiar with. It has many nutrients, such as the eight essential amino acids for the human body, carboxylic acids, vitamins, potassium, iron, zinc, and antioxidants. It also contains protein, starch, and lipid enzymes to help digest meat and starch. Drinking it can relieve fatigue, invigorate cells, enhance immunity, reduce ...

Billy Shyu

Organic apple cider vinegar in a bottle with apples and a glass sitting on a wooden surface.

6 Simple Ways to Strengthen Your Teeth and Prevent Cavities

To make sure you smile with confidence and have healthy teeth, you need to have healthy teeth. There are a number of practices that can help you strengthen your teeth and help you prevent cavities. Try these suggestions to strengthen your teeth and prevent cavities 1. Do jaw exercise and swallow saliva to prevent cavities ...

Raven Montmorency

Young blonde woman with perfectly healthy teeth.

6 Foods for Healthy Hair

Starting a diet for healthy hair today will mean a more gorgeous head of hair within six months to a year, depending on how fast your hair grows. Eat these foods for shiny, lustrous locks. Foods to eat for healthy hair 1. Spinach This leafy vegetable is excellent for your body for many reasons, not ...

Raven Montmorency

Best foods for healthy hair such as salmon, spinach, almonds, sweet potatoes, eggs, walnuts, cabbage, cheese, red pepper, banana and soy are sitting on a table with blocks spelling out 'hair food'.

Foods for Better Vision

Are you eating the foods that are best for your eyes? There’s more to eye nutrition than just carrots. Learn which foods boost your eye health and help protect against sight-threatening diseases. Eating healthy is good for your whole body — especially better vision for your eyes! Top food choices for better vision Bell peppers Did ...

Raven Montmorency

Young girl with her back to the camera is having her eyesight tested with an eyechart.

5 Natural Slimming Foods

To lose or not to lose — weight is a popular topic these days. Either you want to gain some pounds, or lose them. Below are five slimming foods that will help you get a slim body; the knowledge is yours to either eat them or avoid them. Slimming foods for your waistline 1. Watermelon ...

Raven Montmorency

White konjac shirataki noodles on a fork garnished with some basil leaves.

6 Basic Problems That Cause Overeating

Over the past year of working with people who typically struggle with their weight, I noticed a trend. There are six basic problems that cause overeating. Problems that cause overeating 1. Too much snacking Just because you are a twinge hungry, bored, thirsty, or tired does not mean that you need a snack. Snacks are ...

Raven Montmorency

A smorgasbord of food choices.

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Are you drinking enough water? The human body consists of more than 60 percent water. Water is used to moisten tissues in the eyes, nose, and mouth. It also protects the body’s organs and tissues. Besides that, water carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells. And if you think that’s all then you’re probably neglecting the ...

Hermann Rohr

A woman holding a glass filled with water.

The Amazing Elephant Apple and Its Splendid Flowers

Dillenia indica (第倫桃) is a large evergreen tropical tree that belongs to the Dilleniaceae family. With splendid white fragrant flowers, this unique tree is native to tropical Asia, including India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. Dillenia indica is commonly called the elephant apple due to the fact that it is a very popular fruit ...

Billy Shyu

The magnificent flower of the elephant apple.