
Navel Moxibustion, and What It Can Do for You

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) believes that the navel (umbilicus or belly button) plays a significant role in treating patients. The acupuncture point in the center of the navel is called “shen que” (Spirit Gate), and it plays a key role in a variety of therapeutic treatments in TCM, including navel moxibustion. In TCM, the shen ...

Hermann Rohr

The navel meridians.

These 2 Fruits Are Beneficial for Diabetics

Diabetes is a common chronic disease, with adults aged 45 to 64 being the most diagnosed age group for this disease. In the United States, the National Diabetes Statistics Report stated that an estimated 29.1 million people of all ages, or 9.3% of the total U.S. population, were diabetics in 2015. It is well known ...

Audrey Wang

9 Summer Foods to Beat the Heat

Chinese believe that the hottest days in summer easily cause discomfort and chronic ailments. Consuming certain summer foods ahead of such periods, however, can counteract this and prepare the body for combat. 9 summer foods for hot days 1. Mung beans Summer is the season for eating more summer foods like fruits and vegetables. Mung ...

Emma Lu

Dragon fruit cut in half.

Avoid Taking a Cold Shower in These 10 Situations

Taking a cold shower on a hot summer day can feel really refreshing; however, people may suddenly develop a serious medical emergency if the shower is taken under certain circumstances. Do not take a cold shower when in the following 10 situations 1. When sweating heavily Sweating dilates the arteries just under the skin, as ...

Kathy McWilliams

Shower head running.

10 Ways to Guarantee Quality Sleep at Night

Going to sleep is supposed to be a time to enable your body to rest, regain vitality, and restore energy to major organs. It also helps your skin to restore its elasticity. However, a common problem in modern society is that people do not experience quality sleep during the night. Many women even complain about ...

Emma Lu

Toddler wearing a blue top asleep on a pillow, covered by a blanket.

Berberine: The Essence of the Golden Thread

Before going on long trips, it is common for Chinese people to assemble a set of Chinese herbal medicine pills in order to prepare themselves for minor medical emergencies. Taking berberine is a must. Many of my patients often come to my clinic to purchase these herbal pills before they travel. Berberine is one of ...

Raven Montmorency

Old brown medicine bottles lined up on a shelf.

Dr Tang Fei-fan: The ‘Louis Pasteur’ of the East

Dr. Tang Fei-fan was the only Chinese medical professional in the last century to come close to winning a Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. He was born in Liling County, Hunan Province to a relatively poor gentry family on July 23, 1897. He witnessed the devastating impact of poverty and illness on his village ...

Nspirement Staff

A New Coating for Contact Lenses to Fight Eye Infections

There are plenty of people wearing contact lenses now and they know just how important it is to clean and store their contacts properly. Now, researchers have developed a new coating for contact lenses, a one-step process that will coat the lenses with an antimicrobial film. With over 140 million contact lens wearers worldwide, researchers ...

Troy Oakes

Cloesup of a contact lens being held on a finger.