
Why Deep Breathing Is Good for You

One of the relaxing techniques explored in the West in modern times is deep breathing. This has been a regular feature of eastern spiritual traditions for a long time. The introduction of yoga and Buddhist meditation to the West is what brought deep breathing to American shores. Here are some of the reasons why you ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman doing yoga meditation at the beach.

Pretty, Fragile, and Potent: Flowers of Chinese Medicine

Flowers are one of the most beautiful natural sights. Coming in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors, they convey their fragile messages to passersby, including humans and insects. Insects are drawn to flowers and rewarded with nectar. They carry the pollen that ensures the continuity of the species. Since A.D. 500, flowers have been ...

Emma Lu


What Is Rucking?

Rucking refers to walking with a weighted backpack. With origins in the military, where training requires walking with a backpack filled with supplies and equipment, rucking is considered a wonderful alternative to running. Now, this is especially good for those of us who hate running and other cardio workouts. Anyone who can walk can ruck. ...

Armin Auctor

A young man rucking.

6 Tips to Help You Lose Weight and Keep It Off

For many people, their body weight is a cause of serious concern. Not only does being overweight affect your body’s health, but it can also make you look unappealing to others and might erode your confidence. This is the reason why weight loss programs are so successful — when you lose weight, it can completely ...

Raven Montmorency

Vegetables for losing weight.

Top Scientists at WHO: ‘Vaccines Might Be Dangerous’

There has been growing support for the anti-vaccination campaign in the United States. Some people criticize the movement, arguing that vaccines are only released for public use once necessary safety tests are undertaken. However, the fact is that some vaccines can produce negative effects. At the recent Global Vaccine Safety Summit organized by the World ...

Jack Roberts

A person receiving a vaccination shot in the arm.

Winter Melon Is Good for Weight Loss and Is an Antioxidant

Despite its name, winter melon is tasty in the summer. There are some foods that it can pair up with. However, there are some contraindications to note when eating it which, if overlooked, can do more harm than good. Winter melon should not be eaten with the certain foods Ricebean Both winter melon and ricebean ...

Helen London

Winter melons growing on racks.

The Diet of Our Ancestors: A Cure for Obesity?

Obesity is becoming a global problem. Have you ever heard of eating like a caveman to lose weight? What does it mean? Add more greens to your diet or grill meat over an open fire or just eat with your bare hands? Not exactly. To understand what this means, we must first look at our ...

Raven Montmorency

Natives hunting an elephant.

Face Masks and Breathing Issues

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, most governments have advised their citizens to wear face masks when they go out. This is to ensure that the chances of having the CCP virus being inhaled by people are as low as possible so that the outbreak can eventually be contained. However, there have been some concerns ...

Armin Auctor

A sign about wearing face masks.

Personal Motivation Techniques to Get Back in the Game

Everyone has those days when you feel down, in the dumps, and incapable of moving ahead and you need some motivation to get you back on track. You don’t really have to be diagnosed with clinical depression or have any reason whatsoever — some days, it just irritates you to be you, and you just ...

Raven Montmorency

A young woman jogging.

Hydroxychloroquine and the CCP Virus: What the Studies Say

Of all the drugs that have been proposed to counter COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine has attracted the most widespread attention. The drug’s original use is in the treatment or prevention of malaria. The fact that the drug already exists and only needs to be mass-produced is one of the main reasons why the interest in hydroxychloroquine is ...

Jack Roberts

Capsules of hydroxychloroquine.