
Maintaining Health With the Hot Method in Summer

It is no joke that summer calls for a hot maintenance regime for proper health. Many may think it seems more sensible to balance with a cold approach to combat the summer heat. The truth is our pores are readily open during the summer months. Cold wind and air get into our skin easily and ...

Helen London

Pouring a cup of hot tea.

6 Ways Garlic Is Good for Your Health

Garlic is a commonly used herb in cuisines. Related to onions, chives, and leeks, it is believed to be native to Siberia, from where it spread to the rest of the world about 5,000 years ago. Since ancient times, it has been identified as having medicinal properties. 6 ways garlic can benefit your health 1. ...

Raven Montmorency

Cloves of garlic.

9 Ways to Increase Immunity and Stay Healthy

Here are some common-sense approaches that you can incorporate into your daily life that can help prevent illness, increase immunity, and support a longer life. 9 ways to increase immunity 1. Anger “Sickness starts from the heart.” Maybe you have these experiences too — you don’t feel like eating as a result of great pressure; ...

Helen London

Man yelling into a phone.

The Role of the Kidneys in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The kidneys are important organs in the human body, regulating body fluids and expelling waste through urine. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) views kidneys as governing fluids like saliva, perspiration, tears, and lubricating joints. The organ is said to be critical to the function of the ears and bones. The role of the kidneys According to ...

Emma Lu

A glass of water.

Dry Brushing Skin: How and Why

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and is responsible for eliminating most toxins. As such, it makes sense that you should take good care of it. One way to keep your skin in great condition is through dry brushing, which involves massaging the body with a dry, stiff brush. The benefits ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman dry brushing her thigh.

Study Shows That Harmful Effects of BPA Can Be Reversed

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical used in the production of resins, plastics, coatings of bottle tops, dental sealants, and so on. Exposure to the chemical has been linked to several health issues, including decreased fertility. A recent study by the Harvard Medical School (HMS) proposes that such harmful effects are reversible through the ...

Armin Auctor

A woman drinking water from a plastic bottle.

Can Traditional Chinese Medicine Help Deal With the CCP Virus?

As deaths from CCP coronavirus infections keep rising, people are desperately seeking alternative solutions. One remedy that has attracted the attention of many is traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In fact, some places in China that have been affected severely by the virus have resorted to treatment solutions recommended through TCM. Traditional Chinese medicine effects A ...

Armin Auctor

A face mask on a world globe.

Ozone Layer, UV Radiation, Vaccine Companies, and the CCP Virus

U.S. President Donald Trump recently raised the possibility of using light to destroy the CCP virus. Though some people mocked the idea, research suggests that he might actually be right to an extent. Ultraviolet (UV) light is being proposed as a possible weapon to eliminate the CCP virus from potentially infected surfaces. UV and the ...

Armin Auctor

Ultraviolet light.

These 10 Diet Tips May Help Explain the Longevity of the Japanese People

In the world longevity rankings published in World Health Statistics 2018 announced by the World Health Organization (WHO), Japan retained first place with an average age of 84.2 years old. According to reports on why this is, Japanese culture expert Marco Carestia pointed out that there were 10 potential reasons for the longevity of Japanese people. ...

Helen London


How the CCP Virus Is Negatively Affecting Children

Children have been one of the most affected groups by the CCP virus outbreak. Whether it is the regular, school-going student or child who goes to work to feed his family, the virus has restricted them to their homes, opening up a world of problems many are finding difficult to cope with. Children in danger ...

Armin Auctor

A child's eyes.