
The Mystery of Spirit Photography: The Lincoln Photo and Beyond

Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of American President Abraham Lincoln, had her photo taken in 1872. Behind her, there’s a faint, white, semi-transparent figure with an arm around her shoulder. Strikingly, it bears a resemblance to President Lincoln. However, President Lincoln had been assassinated seven years earlier in 1865. How can this be explained? The Lincoln ...

Mikel Davis

Engraved illustration of men surrounding Abraham Lincoln on his deathbed.

The Curse of the Mummy: Is the Pharaoh’s Curse True or False?

The pharaoh’s curse is a topic full of mystery and legend. Whoever disturbs the sleep of the pharaoh will evoke the god of death to spread his wings and descend on that person’s head. The curse on the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun warned that whoever disturbed the pharaoh’s sleep would suffer misfortune and ...

Hermann Rohr

Tutankhamun's tomb.

The Reincarnation of Shao Shimei and His Wives

During the Shunzhi era of the Qing Dynasty, there was a highly accomplished scholar named Shao Shimei, who had been ranked among the top three in the imperial examinations. Since his childhood, there was a name that had been swirling around in his head: “Gao Xiaohuai.” He had no idea who this person was or ...

Emma Lu

Illustration of a couple walking on a city street while holding hands.

Story from Ancient China: The Flying Mountain

Once upon a time, it was said that there was a small flying mountain. Sometimes it flew toward the east, and sometimes toward the west. Yet wherever it stopped, many houses were smashed, and many people were killed. The crazy monk At that time, a monk was in Lingyin Temple northwest of present-day Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He ...

Max Lu

Lingyin Temple.

Miraculous Encounters of Devout Buddhists

Many devout Buddhists in the past have had incredible encounters. The Cavalry General met strange people and animals that saved his life, and he witnessed scenes of ascension to Heaven. The sincere heart and filial wishes of a devout young man moved Heaven, and enabled his grandfather to regain his sight after having been blind ...

Trisha Haddock

Blue Buddha statue sitting in lotus pose with his hand in open mudra.

Was Wan Hu Really an Ancient Chinese Astronaut?

Although serious space exploration began in the 20th century, the desire to explore beyond the Earth dates back much further. When it comes to investigating the sky, the Chinese may be the most persistent explorers on the planet, with numerous accounts of individuals, such as Wan Hu, attempting to reach the heavens over the course ...

Viena Abdon

Illustration of Wan Hu, an ancient Chinese official said to have traveled to the moon, sitting in his rocket chair.

Tales of Mysterious Retribution Following Murder and Thievery

Our world can sometimes show us mysteries that either surprise or shock us. The following are two such stories about mysterious retribution. Thief meets retribution: dies half an hour after stealing a motorbike Recently, a delivery driver reported a stolen motorbike to the police. Within 20 minutes of the phone call, a train ran over ...

Emma Lu

An active crime scene.

Ancient Chinese Mathematicians With the Power of Divination (Part 2)

In the first part of this article, we encountered mathematician Zhao Da’s magical ability to use arithmetic to deduce and derive “impossible” hidden factors and their quantity down to the tiniest number. Looking into more accounts and records, we can feel that the ancients, particularly before the Song Dynasty, regarded mathematics as we know it ...

Michael Segarty

Moon phases and the lunar cycle in the night sky.