China, Traditions

Descendants of Confucius Number Over 4 Million

Chinese history is filled with stories of prominent families, but few have survived more than a thousand years. One such family is the Kong family, which has seen the rise and fall of dynasties, and come through all the instability of those times to the present day. The family has now surpassed its 84th generation, ...

Nspirement Staff

Confucius Statue

A Magnificent Hotel With Mysterious Tunnels

Located on the Yuanshan (Round Mountain圓山) and overlooking Taipei City and the Keelung River, the Grand Hotel (圓山飯店) is a splendid, eye-catching landmark full of historical significance. It is believed that the hotel was constructed in response to a suggestion by Madame Chiang (Soong Mei-ling), wife of Taiwan’s late president Chiang Kai-shek, to accommodate international dignities. It is also ...

Billy Shyu

The Grand Hotel.

Mosquitoes Hate Sesame Oil!

Could it be? Could the choice between mosquitoes and toxic DEET-filled insect repellents finally be over? (Sorry, but we know the natural brands and recipes don’t cut it). We found this on the travel section of the Chinese social network Weibo. The age-old Chinese secret of applying sesame oil to keep the mozzies from biting ...

Emma Lu

A mosquito feeding on someone's arm.

Award-Winning Short Film ‘Ravage’ Reveals Real-Life Horror in China

Ravage is a visceral and hard-hitting short film by Peabody Award-winning director Leon Lee and stars human rights advocate, actress, and Canadian beauty pageant titleholder Anastasia Lin. The film is just over 7 minutes in length and has all the settings of a psychological horror story as we enter the psyche of a victim of torture. ...

Jessica Kneipp

A Legendary Bonsai Master and Her Museum

Never before has a woman been so dedicated to bonsai art as Amy Liang (梁悅美). A native Taiwanese, she was born into a respected family in northern Taiwan and married a prominent gynecologist/obstetrician before becoming an internationally renowned bonsai master. Please watch the video about legendary bonsai master Amy Liang and her museum: As noted in ...

Billy Shyu

Paradise Papers: The Latest Masterpiece of Tax Evasion Ingenuity?

Just recently, another episode of leaked documents, coined the Paradise Papers, has emerged. The song being sung bears a familiar tune: Some very wealthy and influential individuals, also known as “one-percenters,” are using profound methods to evade taxes. According to a report by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), the newly leaked documents show ...

Hermann Rohr

Paradise Papers reveal tax evasion of very wealthy.

Fentanyl: The Killer Drug Made in China

The China-made drug fentanyl has killed thousands of Americans in the past several years. In response, President Donald Trump last month announced that the U.S. was increasing measures to “hold back the flood of cheap and deadly fentanyl, a synthetic opioid manufactured in China and 50 times stronger than heroin.” Trump made his statement not ...

James Burke

Fentanyl is a killer opioid.

Foreign Media Excluded From China’s 19th National Congress

China’s 19th National Congress held on October 25, 2017, excluded several mainstream media organizations. The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China (FCCC) regards the exclusion as a serious violation of freedom of the press. The committee, which sees as its purpose protecting the rights of journalists, condemned the action and believes it to be an act ...

Hermann Rohr

The Chinese Character for Jade, 玉

Let’s do an easy word this time – The Chinese character for jade! 玉 (yù) is another word based on the ideogram for king, 王 (wáng). The only difference is that there’s a tiny dot on its lower right side, which resembles an amulet on the king’s gown. The oldest form of 玉 displays a ...

Armin Auctor

Jade on display in Jade City, British Columbia,Canada.