China’s Current Eye Health Landscape: Plans and Current Developments

In Chinese, there’s a famous saying: “Treat your Eyes like your Treasure!” Your liver and your eyes are closely related in traditional Chinese medicine, and the Chinese believe that a strong renal system may prevent people from aging. In hospitals, newborn babies are usually checked for jaundice, a typical liver affliction that shows a yellow ...

Armin Auctor

A little Asian boy reading a book with a large pair of glasses.

Australian Resident Representative Falls in Love With Taiwan

Australian Counselor Gary Cowan took up office in Taiwan in 2018. He loves nature and often participates in various outdoor activities. Gary also said that he likes the country very much for three reasons: its scenery, the food, and its people. According to the United Daily News, Gary Cowan, the representative of the Australian office, ...

Nspirement Staff

Gary Cowan standing in front of a lighthouse.

Health Secrets From Ancient India

In ancient India, Indian sages always taught that for a person to live a happy life, they must focus on two things — a healthy body and a healthy mind. To this effect, they developed various systems like yoga, Ayurveda, pranayama, and so on. Even though centuries have passed since such knowledge was discovered, it ...

Armin Auctor

An Indian woman in a yoga pose.

Exercise, Diet, and Spirituality Key to Controlling Parkinson’s

Being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease is one of the worst things a human being can experience in old age since they will start losing control over their own body, making life miserable.   Physical training helps manage Parkinson’s Engaging in exercises on a regular basis can do wonders for you when it comes to managing Parkinson’s. ...

Nspirement Staff

Elderly exercising.

The Best Physical Exercises to Extend Your Life

With all the unhealthy food and bad habits that surround us today, the chance of dying young increases, so knowing how to extend your life through proper diet and exercise is essential to know. Against all the odds, we still want to have a healthy and long life. We want to make sure that we ...

Armin Auctor

A young woman jogging in the country.

Pumpkin Seeds Pack a Punch

Every year, come late November, cooks in small towns and big cities all over America scoop out precious pumpkin seeds and toss them away, with only the very committed cooks setting the seeds aside to serve later as snacks. This is because most Americans are unaware that pumpkin seeds, Cucurbitae moschatae semen, in Latin, or ...

Jessica Kneipp

pumpkin seeds

Epoxy Flooring: The Best Kept Secret in Basement Upgrades

If you’re like most homeowners, the dream vision of your basement space and its current reality are two different things. While you’ve got the square footage for that kid-friendly play area, workout spot, or stackable storage setup, concerns over water damage, mold infestation, insulation, and cost have you hesitant to do any upgrades. Perhaps the ...

Megan Nichols

floor detail from epoxy speckled colour and shine to the floor

Avoid Taking a Cold Shower in These 10 Situations

Taking a cold shower on a hot summer day can feel really refreshing; however, people may suddenly develop a serious medical emergency if the shower is taken under certain circumstances. Do not take a cold shower when in the following 10 situations 1. When sweating heavily Sweating dilates the arteries just under the skin, as ...

Kathy McWilliams

Shower head running.