Practical Fitness Journey 101: Starting a Realistic Workout Routine

You’ve decided to change your life positively, embrace a healthier lifestyle, and prioritize your well-being. Starting a realistic workout routine is the perfect first step towards this transformative journey.  Whether you aim to boost your energy levels, manage stress, or enhance your physical fitness, a well-planned workout routine can be a game-changer. In this guide, ...

Viena Abdon

An older man swimming.

HIT Workouts: How Arthur Jones Revolutionized Strength Training and Muscle Building

Traditionally, most bodybuilding and strength training routines emphasized volume training or long hours in the gym. But in the 1970s, Arthur Jones, an entrepreneur and inventor known for Nautilus strength-training machines, popularized High-Intensity Training (HIT workouts), believing it should replace regular volume training. HIT is a strength training exercise that focuses on reducing long hours ...

Nathan Machoka

Weight training.

Try Nordic Pole Walking for a Full Body Workout

Walking is an excellent low-impact exercise that is achievable for people of all ages. If you try Nordic Pole Walking for just 20 minutes a day, you can expect to feel more energetic, experience improved mental health, sleep better, and even slow aging. Walking is so simple and comes at virtually no cost, unless you count in ...

Raven Montmorency

Hiking poles lean against a rock with a blue water bottle sitting on it with mountains seen in the background.

Workout: When Do You Use Bodyweight and When Do You Use Machines?

So you finally decided on training your body and building those muscles? Great! Now, you need to follow a proper workout regimen that is suitable for your physique. Bodyweight and machine exercises are the two options you have. While both are useful in their own ways, you need to know when to use them appropriately ...

Armin Auctor

Two women exercising.

Making Strangers Happy: Man Learns Street’s Favorite Viral Dance Moves

It’s not uncommon for viral dance moves to take the Internet by storm. What is unique, however, is how one man learned his favorite street moves and went viral with them.  There may be linguistic, cultural, and traditional barriers in today’s globe, but there are also commonalities that transcend all of that. When people of ...

Viena Abdon

Social media dancing.

Build a Lasting Bond: 7 Couple Activities for a Stronger Relationship

Many couples eventually find themselves settled into a comfortable routine. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, it can sometimes lead to a sense of monotony. To keep the spark alive, it’s crucial to inject some spontaneity and fun into your relationship. This guide offers seven engaging activities that not only bring fun but also ...

Nathan Machoka

A young man carrying a young woman on his back.

Gym Etiquette: How to Earn the Respect of Other Gymgoers

If you’ve never been to the gym, your first day there can be intimidating. You come face to face with jacked guys lifting huge weights, people yelling and grunting, and a culture you have to navigate to become one of the “gym bros” or “fit chicks.” Like many public places, gyms have a code of ...

Nathan Machoka

Weight training equipment inside a modern gym.

Why Are My Muscles Sore After Exercises?

As many of us hit the gym or go for a run to recover from the silly season, you might notice a bit of extra muscle soreness in your muscles. This is especially true if it has been a while between workouts. A common misunderstanding is that such soreness is due to lactic acid build-up ...

Troy Oakes

A male trainer is assisting a woman with an ab workout at the gym.

5 Effective Tips to Help Someone Counter Chronic Pain

Living with chronic pain is incredibly difficult, but it’s often just as challenging for loved ones to know how to help. You want to offer compassion and support, yet it can be hard to understand what really makes a difference or how best to be there for someone battling ongoing pain.  The good news is ...

Viena Abdon

A woman with lower back pain.

Motivating Your Teenager to Exercise: 13 Strategies for Encouraging Healthy Habits

Getting teenagers to exercise in today’s technologically advanced world might be difficult. Adolescents are naturally distracted by social media, video games, and school expectations, so getting them to exercise may often feel like an uphill fight.  On the other hand, establishing lifelong healthy habits in teenagers can pave the way for overall health. Encouraging them ...

Viena Abdon

Young women playing soccer.