To Respect Others Is to Respect Yourself

This is an example of the importance of showing respect to everyone. A blogger in the hotel management industry shared an experience that is a valuable lesson for everyone. While applying for a job, the blogger went through several rounds of interviews for a position as an assistant to the general manager of a hotel. ...

Tatiana Denning

A hotel lobby.

Webb Telescope Will Study Jupiter, Its Rings, and 2 Intriguing Moons

Jupiter, named for the king of the ancient Roman gods, commands its own mini-version of our solar system of circling satellites; their movements convinced Galileo Galilei that Earth is not the center of the universe in the early 17th century. More than 400 years later, astronomers will use NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to observe these ...

Troy Oakes

The planet Jupiter.

Chinese Idiom Explained: ‘Humbled by the Vast Ocean’

There is a Chinese idiom about how one gets “humbled by the vast ocean.” This quote is mostly used in the context of teaching a person to remain humble despite having power since there will always be someone else more powerful than them. The idiom The Yellow River was considered special in ancient China. After ...

Emma Lu

Sunrays shing through clouds over the ocean.

Plato Was Right: Earth Is, More or Less, Made of Cubes

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato believed that the universe consisted of five fundamental elements — air, fire, water, cosmos (or aether), and earth. According to his theory, each of these elements had its own geometric shape, with earth particles being cubes. Science now considers atoms to be the building blocks of matter. But according to ...

Raven Montmorency

The Greek philosopher Plato.

Texas Cave Sediment Upends Meteorite Explanation for Global Cooling

Researchers say global cooling 13,000 years ago is coincident with major volcanic eruptions. Texas researchers from the University of Houston, Baylor University, and Texas A&M University have discovered evidence for why the Earth cooled dramatically 13,000 years ago, dropping temperatures by about 3°C. The evidence is buried in a Central Texas cave, where horizons of sediment ...

Troy Oakes

Scientists at Hall's cave.

Black Ghosts of Shanghai (‘The Shanghai Friendship Store’ — Chapter 6)

This novel chronicles the experiences of a small foreign community living in Shanghai in the 1980s, when memories of the Cultural Revolution were still fresh. This period was the heyday of China’s state-run Friendship Stores, which sold Western goods and souvenirs to tourists, foreign residents, and diplomats. Nowadays, only a few of these stores remain. ...

Nspirement Staff

Shanghai street scene.

Humans May Have Reached Americas 15,000 Years Earlier Than Previously Thought

The arrival of humans in the Americas may predate the peak of the last ice age, new research shows.  Humans may have reached the Americas over 30,000 years ago, new research from international teams of scientists shows — a period 15,000 years earlier than previously thought. However, the human impact on now-extinct large mammals (megafauna) ...

Troy Oakes

Archaeologists at Chiquihuite Cave.

U.S. Officials Speak Out on Forced Organ Harvesting From Religious Prisoners in China

The Trump administration has expressed concern about long-standing allegations that people imprisoned by the Chinese authorities for their faith are being murdered for their organs, which is called forced organ harvesting. On July 20, U.S. State Department officials condemned the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong, as adherents marked 21 years since the beginning ...

Jack Roberts

Secretarry of State Mike Pompeo.

Do Not Feel Things Are Unfair: Everything Is the Best Arrangement

In ancient times, there was a king who liked to dress as a commoner and go hunting with his Chief Minister. The motto of the Chief Minister was “Everything is the best arrangement.” One day, the king went hunting in a forest and shot a leopard. As he dismounted his horse and approached the dying ...

Emma Lu

Forested mountains.

How to Sleep Well

Do you like to do intense sports at night? Is your bedroom still a mess? If you want to sleep well and maintain your health, you should consider changing your sleep habits if you want to stay well and sleep like a baby. Stick to a schedule where you go to bed at the same ...

Helen London

A bed and pillows.