Chinese Character Gives Insight Into Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Chinese character 藥 (yào) refers to medicine or drug. It is composed of two parts. The top part 艹 is the Chinese radical that indicates grass and grass-related plants, including herbs. The lower part 樂 (pronounced yuè or lè) is a Chinese character in its own right. It has two meanings: music, as well ...

Emma Lu

A silver trumpet and various other brass instruments lay in a circle on the ground on a patch of green grass in the shade.

Traditional Chinese Characters of the Four Directions

The Four Directions (四維 sì wéi) are the four social bonds, including propriety (禮 lǐ), justice (義 yì), integrity (廉 lián), and honor (chǐ 恥). They are the four cardinal values for a harmonious society. This Chinese calligraphy demonstration of Chinese characters is in regular script, which is the most easily and widely recognized one ...


Four traditional Chinese characters.

Your Character Is Defined by How You React

Life inevitably brings unexpected events. If we carefully examine our past life to date, we may notice that we have undoubtedly encountered unexpected situations. During these times, our behavior often reflects our true character. The following stories depict how people act given unexpected events and how this reflects their character. Employing self-reflection My friend Vivian ...

Emma Lu

Car stopped on sidewalk.

9 Character Traits of True Friends

There is a famous Chinese proverb: “Your world outlook shall be influenced by your true friends as well as by your own conduct. So whom you associate with, you will likely behave like them or be affected by them” If you’re working with a positive person, you’ll become much sunnier; if you’re working with a negative person, you’ll ...

Michael Segarty

Aged brothers laughing while sitting on a sofa together.

A Marriage Made in Heaven: 4 Characteristics of a Good Marriage

A marriage made in heaven is a true blessing. We have all heard of this kind of marriage where couples hold each other’s hands into the waning years of life; faithful to each other even till the last breath. The relationship may seem ordinary and plain with some squabbles at times. It goes through ups and downs, and many hardships, but the two love birds still walk hand in hand till the ...

Michael Segarty

Couple in their wedding clothes sit together on a bench made from a log with the bride leaning her head on the groom's shoulder as they look out over a lake.

Do You Know the Real Meaning Behind the Chinese Character for Stinky 臭?

The word stinky tends to be used to describe rotten food or something that smells bad. But in Mandarin, it’s associated with a personal characteristic. The Chinese character for stinky is 臭. It’s composed of the characters “oneself” 自 and “important” or “big” 大. In Chinese, “oneself very important” 自大 means a person has a big ego and is very arrogant. ...

Emma Lu

Two skunks explore outdoors by a fallen log.

Popular Chinese Idioms Based on the Chinese Character for Cow: 牛

Through several thousand years of history, the Chinese language has been enriched with phrases based on historical stories. These Chinese idioms have been passed down over the millennia and allow people to express profound meanings in just a few words. Here are some popular Chinese idioms based on the Chinese character for cow (牛). Chinese ...

Max Lu

Funny closeup shot of one holstein cow among a herd in a pasture.

The 2 Most Important Aspects to Learning Chinese Characters

In understanding and learning Chinese characters and writing, it’s best to understand the various strokes used in writing Chinese characters. You also need to understand the individual components that come together to make up each character. Once you have a grasp on these two elements, you will understand how to use most Chinese dictionaries. Chinese ...

Emma Lu

A calligrapher hand writing chinese calligraphy.

Detox Your Mind: 5 Ways to Cleanse Your Character

Everybody is always talking about going on a detox to get rid of the impurities in their bodies so they can become physically healthier. Well, I think it’s best to first detox your mind. After all, the mind controls the body, and if you can have a clean mind, then you will be able to have a ...

Armin Auctor

Singer-songwriter Katy Mantyk doing Falun Dafa meditation. .

How Chopsticks Reveal Your Character

Since ancient times, proper etiquette has been an important part of Chinese culture. Etiquette was considered especially important while dining, and ancient people viewed how one used chopsticks as a reflection of their upbringing and their parents. If you held or used chopsticks in a sloppy, careless, or rough manner, it was taken very seriously, ...

Tatiana Denning

People taking food with chopsticks from a hot pot.