11 Strange Facts About Dreams

There are plenty of strange facts about dreams on the Internet, but while these are a natural part of sleeping, it’s surprising that many things about them and their purpose remain unknown. Are your dreams warning you of your future, or are they just the outcome of your daily routine? Some dreams are so vivid ...

Troy Oakes

Lack of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance Can Ruin Health

A patient whom I will call Rita came to me to treat her Parkinson’s disease. In traditional Chinese medicine, Parkinson’s disease is called “trembling paralysis.” Rita was referred to me by a doctor of Western medicine. She had been suffering from this ailment for three years. Both her hands trembled, but the right one trembled ...

Armin Auctor

A pink lotus flower.

The Stress Connection: Lower Back Pain

Have you noticed that you have acute flare-ups of lower back pain more often when you are stressed? Whether it is a problem at work or an argument at home, it can be said that we carry the weight of our emotions on our backs. Conversely, when we are in pain, it makes us feel ...

Nspirement Staff

A back massage.

Pumpkin Seeds Pack a Punch

Every year, come late November, cooks in small towns and big cities all over America scoop out precious pumpkin seeds and toss them away, with only the very committed cooks setting the seeds aside to serve later as snacks. This is because most Americans are unaware that pumpkin seeds, Cucurbitae moschatae semen, in Latin, or ...

Jessica Kneipp

pumpkin seeds

Healthy Aging: From the Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

An illustration from a classic text of Confucian filial piety shows a son amusing his elderly parents by pretending to be a child. Aging is natural, and healthy aging is achievable. Although the risk of disease and disability clearly increases with advancing age, poor health is not an inevitable consequence of aging. Many of the ...

Emma Lu

healthy ageing according to traditional chinese medicine black and white photo of old lady with white hair looking at a baby

Earthing: Our Vital Connection to the Earth

A special sleeping bag — called an “earthing” bag — could help Tour de France riders sleep soundly, heal road rash and tendinitis, and feel vitality and high morale during the grueling days of the race. The discovery of how to use the Earth’s energy for healing can benefit everyone, just as the energy has ...

Armin Auctor

feet on sand in clear ocean water

Managing Cancer with Chinese Medicine Principles

The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon is an ancient Chinese medical text that is still referred to today. Cancer treatments were documented in ancient times and managing cancer was possible. The principles behind traditional Chinese medicine encompass both the traditional Chinese value of moderation when treating illnesses and the practice of coexistence. Dr. Zhou Lizhong, founder of ...

Emma Lu

A Disappointed Foreign Teacher in China

Silhouette is the name of a German teacher who worked as a foreign teacher in China in a private school in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. After eight years, he quit and returned home. Frustrated, he said: “I will never witness true education in China in my lifetime!” Silhouette’s objections, listed below, prompted an enthusiastic debate among ...

David Jirard

classroom full of young chinese children

China’s Most Beautiful Town, Ancient Fenghuang

Ancient Fenghuang is an exceptionally well-preserved town and sits on the western border of Hunan Province. It is in an area with exceptional natural beauty where mountains, water, and blue skies prevail. Upon arrival, you will be captivated by its air of mystery, elegance, and primitive simplicity. Located on the banks of the Tuojiang River ...

Troy Oakes

Ancient Fenghuang

A Simple Guide to Meditation

Meditation is an approach to training the mind, just like you may use fitness to train the body. With the fast pace and the demands of modern life, most people are left feeling stressed and over-worked. Feeling this way, you are also left feeling tired, unhappy, impatient, and frustrated, which all affect our overall health. ...

Troy Oakes

man on mountain meditating