bedtime habits, bedtime routine, child development, family bonding, parenting, sleep routine

How to Establish a Good Bedtime Routine for Your Kids

A good bedtime routine is essential for your child’s growth, development, and health. Many studies show children who do not sleep well at night have trouble functioning during the day. Children should get enough sleep according to their age. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, it is recommended that infants should get at ...

Nathan Machoka

A sleeping girl.

9 Strategies to Teach Your Child Patience

Seeing a sad parent with a child throwing tantrums or screaming their lungs out in the supermarket aisles (or elsewhere) for a lack of patience is heartbreaking. It’s even more disappointing if the child is older than six or seven years or a teenager. Of course, this behavior may be attributed to some disorders, but ...

Nathan Machoka


Why and How to Delay Giving Your Child a Smartphone

Parents give their children smartphones for various reasons. You may want to be in touch with your children, make it easy to track them, provide them with entertainment, or maybe ensure your child is tech-savvy as early as possible.  These are compelling reasons, no doubt. However, smartphones may not be healthy for your child because ...

Nathan Machoka

A boy using a smartphone.

Beyond Wealth: 7 Essential Habits for Children’s Success

One of the greatest legacies you can offer your children in parenting transcends the confines of material wealth. Nurturing invaluable habits and their unseen wealth equip children for a life of success and fulfillment. In this journey of upbringing, let’s delve into seven pivotal practices that hold more significance and long-term value than any tangible ...

Max Lu

Young married couple with their toddler.

10 Types of Mothers Who Raise Outstanding Children

Motherhood is an art, and like any artist, a mother molds and shapes her children’s future with her actions, beliefs, and attitudes. It’s often said that children inherit 70 percent of their traits from their mothers. If you’re curious about what makes a child thrive, look no further. 10 types of mothers who tend to ...

Max Lu

Mother and her young daughter hold hands as they walk on a trail through the forest.

The Magic of Fairy Tales: Keeping the Art of Storytelling Alive

From the treasure trove of our childhood memories emerge the enchanting stories told by grandparents, parents, or caregivers. Fairy tales, those captivating narratives, whisked us away to realms where dragons soared, ogres devoured misbehaving children, princesses discovered love in the most unexpected places, and ordinary objects concealed extraordinary secrets. But these stories offer us more ...

Nathan Machoka

Girl reading a story to her stuffed animals.

Understanding the Harm in Letting Kids Watch Horror Movies

Gathering for a movie night with the family is a simple yet delightful bonding activity that everyone from the oldest to the youngest family member can enjoy. Popcorn, snacks, cozy blankets, and everyone gathered together to watch a great film is a picture-perfect moment that creates fond memories. However, there is one thing that can ...

Arianne Ayson

Family sitting on the sofa eating popcorn with scared expressions on their faces while watching a movie together.

The Soul of the Family: Celebrating the Impact of Mothers

Mothers play an indispensable role within the family unit, shaping the environment in which children grow and develop. Dr. Hong Lan, a psychologist from Taiwan, once insightfully remarked that from an evolutionary perspective, she is the soul of a family. This statement holds profound truth; a mother’s emotional state can profoundly influence the entire household, ...

Max Lu

Mother giving her young son a kiss as she holds him to read a story.

Smartphone Addiction: How Phubbing May Be Undermining Your Parenting

Parenting is a complex journey of nurturing, protecting, and guiding children toward independence. While no universal manual exists, parenting choices significantly influence a child’s development. In the modern, technology-driven world, the pervasive use of smartphones presents a new set of challenges, possibly hindering children’s growth and affecting family dynamics. The integration of smartphones into daily ...

Nathan Machoka

Dad sitting on the couch using his smartphone and ignoring his bored, young daughter.

Excessive Screen Time Can Affect Young People’s Emotional Development

A recent Beyond Blue survey of more than 2,000 teachers identified mental ill-health and excessive screen time as the biggest problems facing their students. Comments from teachers revealed a perceived lack of social skill development in children and teens. As one wellbeing specialist said, young people: are not learning social awareness. They’re not learning how ...

Troy Oakes

A boy using a smartphone.