ancient wisdom, character, chinese culture, chinese history, integrity, leadership, life lessons, marriage traditions, pei kuan, prudence, tang dynasty, wei xian

Historic Chinese Tales Reveal the Consequences of Good and Evil Deeds

There is a universal belief in Chinese culture — good begets good, and evil begets evil. As stated in The Book of Changes, in the section on the Kun hexagram: “A family that accumulates good deeds will have abundant blessings, while a family that accumulates evil deeds will suffer calamities.” The historical records left by ...

Mikel Davis

Mural of a bronze Buddha with his disciple kneeling in the front to pray.

Learning From History: How the Ancient Chinese Responded to Plagues and Disasters

The recent pandemic is, without a doubt, one of the greatest catastrophes we have experienced in our lifetimes. Yet, in the long annals of Chinese history, numerous accounts exist of plagues and other calamities of similar scale. These instances from antiquity provide us with invaluable insights into how emperors and common folk alike managed to ...

Mikel Davis

Ancient Chinese observing a globe mechanism.