The Zeng family has been blessed with a wealth of talent and has produced generations of outstanding figures. The four guiding principles left by Zeng Guofan to his descendants have played a decisive role in the Zeng family’s longevity, and he determined the rise and fall of a family by considering three crucial aspects.
The 3 measures of a family’s fortune
Measure 1: Observing the sleeping habits of descendants
The first measure Zeng considered was the time of day when descendants wake. According to Zeng, if a family’s younger generations sleep in until the sun is high, it signifies a gradual decline in the family’s diligence.
Measure 2: The participation of offspring in housework
The second measure Zeng considered was whether the offspring participated in housework. Zeng believed that the habits of diligence and labor significantly influence a person’s lifetime.
Mesure 3: Engagement in studying the classics
The final measure Zheng considered was whether descendants engaged in the study of the classics of sages and virtuous scholars. He was of the view that: “Without learning, there is no understanding of righteousness and the Tao.”
The curse of the third generation
Taking history as our guide, the adage “Wealth does not pass three generations” seems to be a curse that most privileged families struggle to overcome. However, the Zeng family produced a steady stream of talented individuals across generations. The secret behind the sustained prosperity of the Zeng family was the four guiding principles left by Zeng Guofan for his descendants.
Zeng Guofan’s 4 guiding principles
1. Serenity in solitude
Self-cultivation, particularly cultivating the heart, is the most challenging task. It is essential to have a clear heart with few desires. Those who can practice prudence when alone will not feel guilty when reflecting on themselves and can face the world without regret or fear.
2. Respect begets health
Respecting yourself, whether alone or in public, is the essence of respect. This reverence influences your health positively. If you treat all matters with an earnest and respectful heart, it’s hardly surprising to enjoy robust physical health.
3. Pursue benevolence, reap happiness
Once you broadly understand the essence of righteousness through learning, you bear the responsibility of awakening those who are unaware. The pursuit of benevolence, especially assisting others in self-improvement and realization, brings about genuine happiness and respect from others.
4. Work hard, earn respect
If your daily clothing and food correspond to the amount of work and effort you put in, you will gain approval from both human beings and divine spirits. Honesty and hard work are universally revered, whereas an easy and idle life without contributing to society can hardly gain long-lasting respect.
The profound influence of Zeng Guofan’s guiding principles
Zeng Guofan’s principles had a profound impact on his descendants. His son, Zeng Jize, assumed a diplomatic career after Zeng Guofan’s death. His grandson, Zeng Guangjun, devoted his life to scholarship. Most of the later generations studied abroad. None of the descendants of the Zeng family pursued careers in the military or became bureaucrats.
The descendants of the Zeng family strictly adhered to their ancestors’ will, distancing themselves from the cutthroat world of politics and military affairs. Instead, they led honest, decent lives away from public view, thus fulfilling the Zeng family’s wish of “a long and prosperous life with talents from generation to generation”!
The Zeng family’s legacy of hard work, respect, and kindness has been passed down through the generations, and it is clear that the four guiding principles left by Zeng Guofan have had a profound impact on the future of the Zeng family. The Zeng family’s commitment to hard work, respect, and kindness has enabled them to achieve great success and longevity.
Translated by Eva
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