family relationships, forgiveness, mental health, parents, personal growth, self-care

6 Inspiring Ways to Forgive Your Parents

As a child, your parents are the center of your universe. They shape your reality and sense of self in profound ways, both good and bad.  But as you grow, you see your parents’ humanity and imperfections. You realize they made mistakes in how they raised you. In that sense, you carry the emotional scars ...

Viena Abdon

A teenager upset with her mother.

Changing Destiny Through Virtue: The Legacy of Dou Yanshan

Is it possible for a person to change their destiny? This is an age-old question. A sentence in the ancient Chinese text Three Character Classic mentions: “Dou Yanshan, a model of virtue, taught his five sons well, leaving behind a legacy.” Today, we delve into the transformative story of Dou Yanshan, a man who rewrote his ...

Emma Lu

Illustration of cranes and butterflies in a forest landscape.

How to Let Go of Regrets and Embrace a Happier Life

You’ve all been there — you did something horrible you regret doing or let go of a fantastic opportunity that would better your life. Dwelling on regrets made you miserable and hindered personal growth and overall well-being. Some may have even tried to undo some actions to lessen the guilt. But it’s not that easy. ...

Viena Abdon

Young woman with a sad expression as she looks at the screen of her phone.

The Power of Forgiveness

It is said that humans are not creatures of logic, but rather of emotions. Human as you are, it is natural for you to feel resentment, hurt, or pain when other people hurt you. Forgiveness is complex, and it involves an intense and complicated process. Before you can forgive the person who has caused you ...

Haidene Go

White stones spelling 'forgive.'

10 Tips for Respecting and Getting Along With Others

In today’s world, respecting and getting along with others may sometimes seem complicated. Because everyone has their feelings, thoughts, and beliefs, which may differ from yours, you may have difficulty being tolerant, mainly if your emotions get involved. But suppose you can follow some basic rules and principles regarding interpersonal relationships, thinking of others first ...

Tatiana Denning

A group of older adults laughing and talking together.

Ho’Oponopono: Hawaiian Teaching for Restoring Self-Love and Balance

Some say you can never achieve inner peace without forgiveness, which is often correct. Ho’Oponopono teaches forgiveness to help restore self-love and balance. A grudge is like a weighted stone; carrying it underwater will sink you further. And though forgiveness may feel like a sharp sword, it opens your heart toward a weightless future. Letting ...

Mike West

A Hawaiian canoe.

Forgiveness, a Powerful Tool for Empowering and Healing Yourself

There are times when people wrong us or harm us intentionally or unintentionally. Getting angry with them is the most natural reaction in such situations. Feelings of revenge may even pop up. But what about feelings of forgiveness? Have you stopped to think that all your reactions may hurt and harm yourself? Buddha said: “You ...

Raven Montmorency

White stones spelling 'forgive.'

What Qualities Determine the True Wealth of a Family?

A family home is where everyone’s life begins and is an inevitable destination for those born into this world. Traditionally, around the world, and in particular for Chinese people, a home is considered to be their secure fortress or a place of refuge.  In The Book of Rites, it states: “When fathers and sons are close and ...

Emma Lu

A family walking together holding hands.

5 Tips for a Harmonious Relationship

It is wonderful to have a harmonious relationship, where both people feel understood and listened to. There is no need for convincing or ego-tussling in these relationships, just a comfortable fit like a hand in a glove. Only when you understand your partners can you begin to harmonize with them. What is more important than ...

Emma Lu

Couple holding hands at table over coffee.